
President Renzi, what is your opinion on President Mattarella’s end-of-year message?
“I really appreciate it. I am glad that in the Quirinale there is a man who better interprets the role of guarantor of the rules imposed by the Constitution. The passage on Europe and vaccines, then, was simply masterful.”
Mattarella has issued a strong call for cohesion, saying that “it is time for the builders” and that “energy and opportunities should not be wasted in pursuing illusory partisan advantages.”
Do you think he was talking to a certain “junk dealer” of his acquaintance?
“I think he was referring to everyone, but in any case it is a passage with which I totally agree. We have the greatest opportunity in the history of the last thirty years: a mass of resources never seen before to rebuild Italy. We cannot waste it. Now or never”.
Mattarella, the end of the year speech, Conte: “Solidarity to get out of the crisis”
Do you know that political Italy begins the year by hanging on its decision on the government? So we want to say it right away: As for you, is the Conte government over?
“It depends first on Conte and then on Parliament, not on me. We have noted the things that do not convince us in two documents. They are arguments of merit, many. If we had taken the MONTH money in the spring of today, we would have more resources to speed up vaccination. If we had unlocked the construction sites, today we would have less money to spend on layoffs. However, if our ideas are annoying, we go to the opposition. We have a straight back, we do not give in the content in exchange for three chairs.
Draft Recovery, from Superbonus to Ultra-Broadband: Government Focuses on Innovation
At first he contested the Recovery control room, but now his altitudes at Palazzo Chigi range from the use of EU funds to the Month. What are you asking the premier in practice?
“No more there, but did you see what happened?” They tried to approve a document that was decisive for the future of our country overnight without having read it. I do not say without having taught it to us, but not even without having read it. When the prime minister says that this was not an amendment to the budget law and it is denied by his ministers, I feel sorry for him: we once wondered who wrote the Palazzo Chigi texts, now the question is if there is anyone to read them . . I only ask for seriousness. Here is a country to rebuild, we have a small window of time in which we can spend three hundred billion. Can I discuss it or should I just say yes to the printable documents? Because if you need the pushers, do it without us. If you need people to study the contents, however, we are there. This is the difference between populism and politics. ‘
Conte-Renzi, the distance increases. Iv ready for the crisis. Mount Pd intolerance
Another fight is taking place over the delegation to the Services: at the end of the year press conference Conte said that it is she who must explain why she is asking for a delegated authority to be indicated.
“Do I have to explain to him? Do I have to explain to the prime minister why his predecessors had a style that he does not respect? Berlusconi pointed at Letta, Monti pointed at De Gennaro, I pointed at Minniti. And even before Prodi pointed at Micheli , D’Alema pointed out to Mattarella. That’s the way it is all over the world: Bush, Obama and Trump had their National Security Advisor. And tomorrow Biden will have him. Only Conte is an exception. Because obviously Conte considers himself more capable than Berlusconi, Monti, Prodi, D’Alema, Obama, Trump together. And yet, since the prime minister has announced that he will come to the House, we will also explain our position on the intelligence rules: they are the secret services, they deserve respect. ».
Pope Francis: “In addition to the vaccine for the body, the vaccine for the heart is needed: it is the cure”
Here, in fact. Conte raises the challenge in Parliament. Aren’t you afraid that fear of voting again will push a patrol of those responsible to save this government, canceling the action of Italia Viva?
“Conte said he will come to Parliament. In my opinion, he was wrong to close the government audit in this way. But if you have chosen to count yourself in the classroom, we accept the challenge. In addition, he did so from the pulpit of a press conference while the Senate voted for the first time on a budget law on December 30, without the possibility of modifying it. An institutional scandal. If he had bothered to come to Parliament as well to hear from the senators, he might have learned something from Luigi Zanda’s beautiful speech. As you know, I have often quarreled with Zanda and do not share her thoughts on many things: but in her speech she gave a lesson to everyone about respecting institutions. Too bad Conte preferred to avoid the classroom to look for another live television ».
Mattarella, the meaning of the end of the year speech: reference to parties and citizens
But he didn’t answer me. Conte has announced that he wants to challenge her in Parliament. Are you not afraid of the creation of a patrol of leaders or of possible divisions among the senators of Italia Viva?
“I am not afraid of people’s freedom. If any parliamentarian wants to support the Conte government because they are convinced by the prime minister’s words, that is fine. It makes me smile that anyone who has walked into Parliament to open it like a tuna can ends up depending on Clemente Mastella’s movements. And I say this with respect for Mastella, mind you. But it’s called parliamentary democracy, and that’s fine. I think the prime minister is sure of his stories, otherwise he would have chosen the path of political confrontation before going to the courtroom. Instead, like you, I read your words about the challenge in Parliament and now I respectfully await the convocation of the Senate.
Pfizer vaccine, the case of Israel: one million vaccinated (100 times Italy) and the race for herd immunity
Many attribute different designs to him for the sequels: working for a Prime Minister of Pd or for a technical-institutional executive with Prime Minister of Draghi. What solution do you imagine after Conte?
“In Italy there is only one prime minister at a time. Today is called Conte. And he seems very confident in the numbers, otherwise he would have used a different shade these weeks. If on the contrary it goes lower, we have several different solutions that can be evaluated by the Parliament and the Head of State. Anticipating Italia Viva’s position now would be disrespectful to the Quirinale. The Constitution says that the legislature continues as long as there are numbers in Parliament, not as long as Conte says so.
Mattarella, the end of the year speech, Conte: “Solidarity and cohesion to overcome the crisis”
So far, however, Iv has not been awarded in the polls. Are you sure voters share in this constant hardening of the government that you have set out to form?
«For me, politics is a project and a vision, not a survey. I don’t know what the voters will think when we go to vote. I know that I cannot leave 160% of the public debt to my children and grandchildren who will come without that money being used for something useful. You need what Draghi calls “good debt”: infrastructure, not a browser. Money to hire, not to stay on the couch. They told a lot of lies about me, from the state plane to the text messages about the earthquake. The new lie is that I am irresponsible because in times of pandemic we cannot talk about politics. But if Germany has two hundred thousand vaccinated and we have thirty thousand, can I say we can do better? If we have disappeared from the Mediterranean, can I say that we can do better? Irresponsible is not someone who makes proposals, irresponsible is someone who shrugs off serious proposals. As for IV, it will grow but what matters to me now is that Italy will grow: the number of employees, the number of people vaccinated, the number of students who return to class.
Mattarella: “I will get vaccinated as soon as possible, doing so is a choice of responsibility”
Is it true that in recent weeks you have held talks with Berlusconi and Salvini, finding the will to have an executive bridge until the vote?
“No. I did not even listen to them for the Christmas greetings. It makes me laugh that these rumors are made by the grillini who ruled for a long time with Salvini, making absurd laws such as Quota 100, Citizenship Income, Security decrees.”
During the days of Christmas, is it true that you visited Denis Verdini in jail? Wasn’t he afraid of, how to say, “commitment”?
“Visiting the prison is one of the institutional tasks of parliamentarians: in addition, I used to go there even when I was in the province and the municipality. Questioning this right / duty is a sign of legal barbarism. As for Verdini, I respect the ruling of the Supreme Court: however at Christmas I was happy to greet him because he is a friend and I do not abandon people the way others do because “it could tarnish my image.” For me, values are worth more than polls, friendship is worth more than images: that’s how I am and I’m proud of it. And after the visit, I want to thank the director of the prison, the prison officials and all the Rebibbia workers for the work they do so that the Constitution is also applied in prisons. The Constitution: that which the populist justicialists have evidently never read.
Conte: “In 2020 a very tough test, the new year will be one of redemption”
Last update: 00:13