Let’s not forget Christians: this is how we live in Syria at war


In Syria Christians are experiencing a dramatic situation. Excerpts from the war, still ongoing in some areas of the country, economic sanctions, which have further strangled citizens, fighting rampant inflation, and the Covid-19 pandemic have definitely brought a nation to its knees. . .

The persecution of Christians

These are the ordeals that, even today, the “Christian Brothers of Syria“as he defined them Joseph Tobji, Maronite Archbishop of Aleppo. Bishop Tobji will connect today at 5:00 pm with Help the Church in Need (Acs) to shed light on a story that is not always properly illuminated. The event in which they will participate Alessandro Monteduro, Director of ACS-Italia, Laura Lesèvre, Project manager at InsideOver, e Matteo carnieletto, responsible of InsideOver, will be broadcast live on the Facebook page of ilGiornale.it.

French Pope, before the Angelus from the Library of the Apostolic Palace, he reminded Christians who were victims of persecution for their faith: “Today we pray for those who suffer persecution for the name of Jesus, sadly there are many. They are more than in the early days of the Church“The Pope’s complaint is clear, and it is also directly related to the Syrian situation: the number of persecuted Christians today is more numerous than in the early days of the Church.

The testimony of mon. Tobji

Unlike other areas of Syria, ad Aleppo no more bombs and missiles fall. However, the situation remains dramatic. Joseph Tobji is immediately clear: “People go hungry. The economic sanctions that the United States has imposed on the country are killing people. L ‘inflation has increased a lot“.

To better understand what we are talking about, Bishop Tobji has drawn a dramatic image: “An official earns about 50,000 Syrian pounds (about 15 euros) a month. A kilo of meat has come to cost 20 thousand lire and a kilo of cheese 10 thousand and a kilo of rice 1,500 lire. A rent in a public housing costs 75 thousand. The surgery costs up to 10 million Syrian pounds. These are astronomical figuresIn the midst of all this, we also find corruption and the black market. People are crushed on all fronts.

“A war of powers”

One of the biggest risks is that Syria may be left without him. Christians. We are talking about an eventuality as serious as it is worrying. “In 2010, in Aleppo, there were almost 160-170 thousand Christians before the war. Now at most, to be optimistic, there are about 40 thousand“Tobji explained. As for armed clashes, according to statistics in Syria there are more than 300 thousand foreign fighters that came from abroad, both from Arab and European countries. But why ?, asked Bishop Tobji, did these people come to fight on Syrian territory? For money, it might be the most obvious answer.

But there are also other aspects to consider. “America is stealing our oil. Trump has brazenly said he is interested in oil. The Turks occupy a 50-kilometer strip in northern Syria.“added the Maronite Archbishop of Aleppo, citing some of the international forces involved in what has been defined proxy war. What will the future from Syria? “I am optimistic. I trust in the Lord, who is our hope. However, I am sad for our people. Every day I see people who have big problems and carry unbearable loads. Inside of me I remain calm thanks to faith“.
