“Let’s mobilize for Agitu” 56 thousand euros have already been raised


The great heart of the Trentino people does not refuse even this time: in a few hours the fundraising to make Agitu Ideo Gudeta’s dream come true reached 56 thousand euros. “It is going very well – confirms Zebenay Jabe Daka, who promoted the collection on gofundme.com – and so we can continue taking care of their goats, as well as helping the family to cover the costs of moving the body to Ethiopia.

But the initiatives do not stop. «We need to talk about it with the family, but I would like to put some goats, maybe in bronze or wood, maybe in Piazza Santa Maria, to remind everyone who Agi was: a symbol of integration that should not be forgotten. And who knows, maybe we could name a street or square after him. But, in fact, we will talk about it later: in the meantime, we thank all of Italy and the whole world, because they are honoring a brave woman.

This morning live on social networks, Emma Bonino spoke with the lawyer Schuster, the mayor of Trento about the murdered pastor and about the initiatives not to forget her. “Italy is a country with little memory – Emma Bonino declared – and that is why we must do everything possible not to forget Agitu”. Ianeselli reassured her: “Trentino will empower Agitu and everything he has done and taught us.”

Among the proposals is also that of dedicating a path to the Ethiopian.
