
Vatican City – quotes the prophet Isaiah French Pope At Christmas mass in San Pedro, it must be anticipated by the curfew that begins at 10 pm. “On this night the great prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us.” St. Peter’s Basilica is practically empty, there are 200 faithful, the only ones who have been admitted to which must be added about 50 seats near the altar, where seats are reserved for the cardinals, the only ones who concelebrate with the Pope. They have masks, except the Pope.
Francis sums up the joy of this feast, centered on the evangelical story of the birth of the Son of God: “We often hear it said that the greatest joy in life is the birth of a child. It is something extraordinary, which changes everything, sets unexpected energies in motion and overcomes fatigue, discomfort and wakefulness, because it brings an indescribable happiness, against which nothing weighs more. This is Christmas: the birth of Jesus is the novelty that allows us to be reborn each year, to find in Him the strength to face each trial. Yes, because his birth is for us: for me, for you, for each one ».
Christmas, Francis repeats, is the certainty of hope. “This is the indestructible heart of our hope, the incandescent core that sustains existence: beneath our qualities and our flaws, stronger than the hurts and failures of the past, the fears and concerns for the future, there is this truth: we are beloved children. And God’s love for us does not and will never depend on us: it is gratuitous love, pure grace. Last night, Saint Paul told us, God’s grace appeared. Nothing is more precious. ”
In the prayers of the faithful, we pray for the homeless, migrants and refugees. “For the smallest, the marginalized, those who leave their land because of wars and poverty: may the tenderness with which Mary cared for your Son arouse in Christian communities attitudes of benevolence and care”, is the prayer that is read in which he associates a passage from Francis’s homily dedicated to the reason why God chose to be born in a stable in Bethlehem.
“In the manger of a dark stable is precisely the Son of God. Another question arises: why did he come to light at night, without a decent lodging, in poverty and rejection, when he deserved to be born as the greatest king in the most beautiful of palaces? Because? To make us understand to what extent he loves our human condition: to the point of touching our worst misery with his concrete love. The Son of God was born discarded to tell us that everything discarded is the son of God. He came into the world as a child comes into the world, weak and fragile, so that we can accept our weaknesses with tenderness.
Last updated: 20:25