less than 40% in the south, surprising data in Tuscany – Libero Quotidiano


Even mineral 23 some discrepancy is confirmed in theto turn off all regional elections between north and south. The Puglia and the Campania does not reach 40%: the first stops at 39.9, while the second at 38.9. Participation is not very high also in Liguria (39.8%), where perhaps the obvious reconfirmation of Giovanni Toti has demotivated some voters. Definitely different speech in Veneto, where Luca Zaia hopes to send a great sign of strength: participation in 46.1% bodes well in this regard. The data of the Tuscany, where at 11 pm the 45.3% of graduates: a surprise, if one takes into account that in 2015, when Enrico Rossi was elected in the Pd quota, participation had stopped at 48.3% at 23:00 on Sunday, which was the only day to vote. As the polls are open this time also on Monday until 3pm, the final turnout for the dispute between Ceccardi and Giani is assumed to be higher than it was five years ago.

Referendum, 40% participation at 11pm: the final screening, there is a precedent
