Less tampons, more cases. Hospitals in trouble: extra-Covid also risks. Al Perrino’s car queue for the drive-in buffer


Governor Michele Emiliano asks to tempt everyone so as not to interrupt ordinary activities in hospitals, but skepticism begins to spread from the Department of Health: the numbers of Covid infections and new hospitalizations in Puglia are not favorable and the scenario is looming If the trend of the pandemic should continue like this or even worsen, it is that of a new closure of health facilities in the coming weeks. Yesterday there were 321 new positives in Puglia. These numbers are not very encouraging, also because 2,446 tests were processed yesterday against the 4,633 tampons processed the day before, or 2,187 less, almost half against 20 more infections. Four dead, one in Taranto.


The next 14 days will be decisive, when the impact of the provisions of the new Dpcm can be evaluated: if the contagion curve were to slow down, the health system could breathe again. Otherwise, in a couple of weeks, already at the beginning of November, the department could be forced to stop ordinary services again. Although in some departments, especially in Bari and Foggia, scheduled hospitalizations have been interrupted and postponed to accommodate emergencies and Covid patients: the first signs. Suffice it to say that only in the province of Bari a thousand epidemiological investigations are being carried out to extinguish the largest number of coronavirus outbreaks. Even yesterday the number of hospitalizations increased, now there are 435, 22 more than on Sunday and the beds available to date are slightly more than 800. As well as the number of patients in intensive care units, 38 compared to 36 in 24 hours before , but on paper the seats are 305.

There are 14 Covid patients hospitalized in the Department of Infectious Diseases of Perrino di Brindisi, a woman was transferred to intensive care while a 62-year-old man died in the night between Sunday and Monday. In Taranto there are 8 patients in intensive care and 21 in infectious diseases; Among the new 20 cases in Salento there are also two children, aged 14 and 11. In Tricase, after the Oss case that tested positive in recent days, another confirmed positive case of Covid was registered in the emergency room. While in Nardò the new positive case is that of a bus driver, the protagonist of a traffic accident: four agents who rescued him were placed in solitary confinement.
The second wave of coronavirus is beginning to endanger the health system of Apulia, but the president of the Puglia region has no intention of sacrificing the ordinary rooms, closing them as happened during the first phase of the health emergency. “This time we will not close the ordinary departments, which will continue to function, but the staff remains the same, unfortunately. We have asked for more facilities that have not yet been hired, but then there are no more doctors and nurses to hire in Italy. Therefore, “we need to find a balance point” because “to manage the duplication of intensive care we do not need twice as many anesthetists, but in any case a greater number of anesthesiologists who in the meantime cannot be found.” In Bari, the province that suffers the most, yesterday the Miulli of Acquaviva delle Fonti activated 40 of the 100 Covid beds precisely to meet the requests of the Region.
Yesterday’s 321 new Covid cases are divided as follows: 165 in the Bari province, 24 in the Brindisi area, 31 in Bat, 63 in Foggiano, 20 in the Lecce province, 13 in Tarantino. 4 deaths were recorded: 2 in the province of Foggia, one in the Murcielago, one in the province of Taranto. 5,604 patients are cured, 5463 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 11,706. In hospitals and schools there are several cases: Martina Franca’s pediatric ward was closed as a precaution since it was found that a 9-year-old boy was positive for Covid-19 who had been accompanied by his parents for a consultation. Health workers (a doctor and some nurses) are also now in fiduciary isolation. Six people, including three doctors, on duty in the resuscitation department of the Riuniti Polyclinic in Foggia tested positive for Covid 19; at the Miulli of Acquaviva an infected ENT doctor. Sixteen guests and 9 health workers from the Monte Sant’Angelo PTA – territorial assistance center – were positive. School chapter: due to the positivity of a primary school pupil, the mayor of Biccari (Foggia) Gianfilippo Mignogna has closed all schools; a teacher from San Marco in Lamis (Foggia) was also infected. Due to the confirmed positivity for Covid of some students or teachers, 5 schools and two kindergartens were closed in four municipalities in the Bari area: Bari, Gravina in Puglia, Valenzano and Monopoli. «Why, from August to today, despite anticipating a second wave» Emiliano «has never activated the beds? Why are we now proceeding, in the midst of an emergency, to install some more intensive care posts, however fragmented they may be? », Argues the regional deputy commissioner of the Brothers of Italy, Antonio Distaso.

Last update: October 20 at 12:55

