UNITED WE WIN! ???????????? pic.twitter.com/JilIsUmDWp
– Lega – Salvini Premier (@LegaSalvini) August 30, 2020
The post triggers the debate on social networks to the point that the protests become a trending topic and many users wonder if Barilla, owner of the Pavesi brand that produces the cookies in question, is aware of the use that the owner of the Liga makes the image of its own product. As Franco points out, for example: To the company #Pavesi in Novara and the #Barilla (to which it belongs). # Salvini in his electoral campaign used a photo of you with the brand “Ringo” in evidence, juxtaposing it with one of his images. Do you know him? Do you approve of this operation? Or demand “.
To the company #Pavesi from Novara already #Barilla (of which it belongs).#Salvini In his election campaign he used a photo of you with the brand “Ringo” in evidence, juxtaposing it with one of his images.
Do you know him? Do you approve of this operation? Or will you sue for? pic.twitter.com/U2t6TweI7S– Franco (@ Franco32656300) August 30, 2020
Some consumers state that they refrain from buying Barilla products or even propose to boycott the brand.
Very friendly #barilla,
Scrolling through the profile of the League I found, in the middle of the usual sequence of messages that foment hatred and resentment towards immigrants, an image of Ringo cookies.
While I wait a distance, I will refrain from consuming your products.– the hand (@La_manina__) August 31, 2020
The Barilla Group, contacted by Repubblica, confirmed in this regard: “We have not authorized any use of the Ringo brand.”