
Fausto Carioti
To urns still hot Matteo salvini, head of the LeagueHe said that “the reflection of many constitutionalists on the legitimacy of this parliament is legitimate” and that “there are three hundred more parliamentarians than expected, and the first political force of two years ago has been democratically annulled by the voters.” What’s up, senator? A request for dissolution of the Chambers? “No, these are two facts on which a democracy in a normal country should reflect. Rather than taking refuge in defense of a building increasingly isolated from real Italy, I think Conte would do well to open a reflection with his majority and with the opposition, under the supervision of the Quirinale, to build a consensual and uninterrupted path that leads to political elections “.

When should I vote?
“At least before the election of the new head of state.”
That is, in July, since the “blank semester” begins, in which it will be impossible to dissolve the Chambers. Time is running out. Is this a request that you plan to bring to Sergio Mattarella in the next few days?
“In fairness, I would prefer the initiative to come from the majority, with whom I am ready to talk tomorrow morning about how to restore the balance between the real country, which has increasingly urgent priorities in terms of work and security, and their institutions, which cannot remain so far from reality.
Everything indicates that the majority are still trying to get ahead like this. In this case, only the new parliamentary balances could determine the end of the Conte government and perhaps the legislature. With what eyes do you look at the internal work of the Five Star groups?
“With respect, because what is happening is causing suffering in thousands of citizens who had placed sincere hopes of change for our country in the Beppe Grillo movement. It is the same respect that I believe I have shown, with deeds, to the voters of the Five Stars when the Lega, in the government, voted for many measures that were part of their historical battles. Among them the cut of parliamentarians, which the League voted four times in the classroom, before reaching support for the referendum that undoubtedly contributed to Monday’s result.
Meanwhile, some MP M5S are knocking on your door. What do you answer?
“The doors of the League are open to anyone who wants to roll up their sleeves to build a future of freedom for our country and for our children. I say this above all to the many disappointed activists in the territories, even before the parliamentary team, where there are also coherent and respectable people fully in tune with our ideas. Let me remind you that the League confirms that it is healthy and passes (thanks to the recent vote of the Italians, not the palace games) from 46 to 74 councilors in the renewed Regions. I have just been in Marche, torn by the left after fifty years, like last year in Umbria, the Lega being the first party in the regional council.
In parliament, however, the Giallorossi remain the majority. And they intend to use their numbers to change the electoral law. They point to the proportional system. Is this a necessary step? Or do you think that the redesign of the schools is enough, which the government is obliged to do in two months, and we can go to the vote with the current law?
“The sooner we go to the vote and the sooner Italians will be governed by those who win the elections, and not by those who systematically lose them. In other words, the debate on the electoral law does not interest me, especially because I fear that it will become a pretext to lose months and take the ballot box. That said, if there is a system that works, it is that of the regional elections, where on the night of the vote it is immediately known who won and who lost.
Even from the left, commentators like Antonio Padellaro ask Conte to pick up the phone and call her. If it did, what would you ask?
“I would try to make him understand that, beyond the political clashes, here is a country that, among taxes, landings, damage from lockdowns, fears, uncertainties and bureaucracies, this time runs the risk of sinking seriously. And that if we do not take extraordinary measures soon, whoever rules after him will risk having to start from the rubble, like our grandparents. I would also tell him that it is not possible that, of the billions announced by Europe, the governors have not yet been involved.
And what are you willing to bring to the negotiating table with the Prime Minister?
«Ideas, proposals, dozens of bills already presented, with financial coverage and everything else. I would say “Take them, make them yours, I don’t mind raising flags and flags.” Let’s think about how much oxygen the liberation of public works in the “Genoa model” would give companies, the suspension of the paranoid madness of the Procurement Code, the extension of the single tax to 15% to families and small and medium-sized companies. They are proposals that as Lega tomorrow morning we would vote, with applause and a standing ovation for the prime minister.
They are your historical proposals, in fact. Are you unwilling to say “yes” to others?
“We are ready to say ‘yes’ to all the things that Italians need. To finally reopened and safe schools and universities: “distance learning” and remote living are not the solution. To fiscal peace, that is, to the suspension of payments until December 31, and to the balance and extract of the 12 million outgoing Equitalia folders: 15% of the folder is paid and the folder no longer exists. We say ‘no’, however, to the increase in the price of diesel anticipated by the government from January 2021: it is not about helping the environment, but about massacring millions of workers, motorists and transporters ».
Is the maintenance of security decrees a necessary condition to collaborate with the government?
“That security decrees are a useful tool is shown by the fact that no one in the government has canceled them in the last year. Of course, for them to really work, you also need to always apply them. If they try to cancel them, we will oppose it in every way, inside and outside parliament. We will defend them because they have allowed and will allow our country to stop clandestine landings, fight against Italian and foreign mafias such as Nigerian clans and give more resources to the police and the Carabinieri. Going to the station, the park or living in certain suburbs cannot be a cause of anguish for the citizens.
Giovanni Toti, newly re-elected governor of Liguria, invites her to “put on the center-right leader’s shirt.” She asks her to become an interpreter of the requests of a whole coalition, in short, and not only of those of the League. Is this a leap you intend to take?
“Building a future of work, safety and well-being for Italy is our duty. We owe it to the many citizens who reward us with their trust in 15 out of 20 regions, including Liguria. Giovanni made me think about something that I listened to with interest, like so many others that come to me every day from citizens, entrepreneurs, artisans, law enforcement officers, university professors. I answer to all that our task is not measured with words, but with deeds, winning every day the challenge of concretion. It is this way that we will walk, until we can finally return Italy to its rightful owner. People”.