The circle tightens around the murderer in Via Montello in Lecce who stabbed Daniele De Santis, 33, a referee in Serie C, and his girlfriend Eleonora Manta, 30. The hypothesis that at least the woman knew her killer Who would also have opened the apartment door is increasingly specific, according to several witnesses heard by the carabinieri. The night the crime occurred in the condo where the two planned to move in together, Manta reportedly yelled, “Not Andrea, Andrea!”, Probably indicating the name of the man who attacked the couple. According to witnesses, a man wearing a black hoodie over her head was seen leaving the building. She also had gloves and a yellow backpack on her shoulders.
Among the elements at the disposal of the investigators there would also be images from the security cameras in the area. The conviction that is maturing in these hours is that the crime was not an act of impetus, but to a large extent premeditated by the murderer, considering that he acted with his face covered and because he would have tried not to leave a trace with the use of gloves.
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