Lecce – Silence, reserve, a name and a video.
Dramatic investigations into the fierce double murder of Daniele De Santis and Eleonora Manta. Everything revolves around that young man, seen fleeing moments after the crime. Was it the murderer? Or maybe it’s someone who, hearing those screams, ran away to avoid getting involved? This second hypothesis is supported by shaky legs. And it does not coincide with the information gathered by the carabinieri who have listened to several witnesses carefully and on several occasions.
The area where the serious blood event occurred is restricted to traffic from 9:00 p.m., there are active cameras from that time, but the murderer could have fled earlier, aware of the risk he was running.
But a video still exists and is in the hands of researchers.
It shows a young man on camera in the Viale Gallipoli area, walking fast, his head covered by the hood of a dark sweatshirt. The description corresponds to some testimonies. Could it be the same man who escaped from the apartment of horrors? The odds are good.
And then that name, Andrea.
The name that Eleonora would have pronounced before falling to the ground under the blows, on the landing of that apartment at number 2 of via Montello where the couple lived.
“Andrew…”. Then silence.
This is the name that a witness said he heard.
Investigators would soon locate a person close to the couple, a friend. Located and pressed for a long time, which later had no relation to the terrible event.
A confusion of witnesses, then? Or a case of homonymy?
This is another of the many questions in a complex and nebulous case.
Eleonora, fresh out of the INPS and Daniele, manager of a b & b and referee from C1, had too normal lives. Which paradoxically makes everything more difficult.
The victims, however, knew the murderer and did not have the slightest omen of what awaited them. Maybe they even opened the door for him. And he, the killer, may have left his fingerprints on the intercom or on the doorbell.
A quarter of an hour before he died, Daniele De Santis had made a video call with a friend, he was calm and in the house, besides him and Eleonora, there was no one.
Hell followed shortly after, around 8.30pm.
There was a long and furious fight that degenerated in the worst way. Many have heard those screams. Three voices, bright tones. The last desperate prayer of the 30-year-old and then the silence and the discovery of the corpses. She near the door, he on the stairs.
Pending the autopsy that provides more details and certainties, the woman would have died of a blow to the throat. Instead, the killer attacked the 33-year-old man, whose lifeless body was on the stairs leading to the apartment.
Was the killer angry with him? And because?
How it was possible that the two, young, strong, could not beat one person remains another mystery, only dissolved by the interpretation that leads to the surprise that caught the couple on Monday night.