Lecce assassination, autopsy: on Eleonora “unprecedented ferocity”. Yellow on a suspect


Lecce, 23 September 2020 – The hunt for the murderer of the soccer referee continues Daniele de santis, 33, and his girlfriend Eleonora Manta, 30. But a mystery hangs over the investigations: at night the news spread that a 37-year-old kiosk – resident in Aradeo – had been heard in the Prosecutor’s Office as a suspect. The investigators, however, deny everything: “There is no arrest – they declare – and neither in the prosecution nor in the barracks there is interrogation activity.”

Autopsies continue tomorrow

It certainly was a particularly brutal double murder. The autopsies of the bodies of the bride and groom, who were stabbed to death, ended at night, but the medico-legal investigations have not been completed and will continue tomorrow. “Was aabnormal and bloody aggression, families do not understand why, “says the lawyer Mario Fazzini who participated in the investigations. “They were two very normal guys – adds the lawyer – and they led a quiet life. He recently won the competition as an INPS officer. Families can’t get over it. ” And in particular the autopsy “confirmed the ferocity with which the murderer he lashed out at the woman. “

The murder mystery, the mystery

Instead, it is yellow about the murderer who has been wanted for two days: the circle of investigations seems to close around him. Although investigating sources have denied the rumors leaked in the afternoon about a suspect already questioned, other sources close to the investigation speak insistently of a person who would be the focus of researchers.
It is known that in addition to listening to witnesses, raids and acquisitions of materials were carried out today, and that the investigative activity was particularly intense in one of the towns in the province of Lecce, Aradeo.

The trace of the name Andrea

She screamed, “Andrea, don’t do it”

One of the traces followed is that of that name, ‘Andrea’, shouted by Eleonora before being killed. Witnesses told the story they told investigators who heard her scream “Andrea no, Andrea” before the blows killed them both and then he saw a man flee with a knife in his hand, the hood of a black sweatshirt pulled down over his head, black gloves and a yellow backpack slung over his shoulder. The investigations continue in the highest secrecy and the investigators do not confirm what appears to be the most credible clue to the exciting motive.

The dynamics of double homicide

Everything suggests that the couple knew the killer. And it seems they have them Open the door at home while they were having dinner. The man would have launched himself first against Eleonora, hitting her several times and then turning his fury against Daniele who tried in vain to defend his partner. The young referee would then try to escape by climbing the stairs of the building, but here the murderer would have reached him without stopping beating him fiercely until he was left lifeless on the ramp of the first floor of the building.
Traces of the murderer are also sought in the images of the cameras that are along the path you may have taken to escape. But it also looks for us in girl’s cell phone to understand if this ‘Andrea’ was already in contact with her, and if they had known each other for some time.

Who were Daniele and Eleonora

Daniele was a condo manager, but her dream was to referee in Serie B. His girlfriend, however, originally from Seclì, graduated in law, had been recently hired at INPS.
Today the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, during the meeting of the National Council wanted to remember the murdered young referee: “No more words are needed,” said the number one in Italian sport.

The Neighbors’ Tale

They recorded in front of the police what they heard on the night of September 21, and now they repeat it in front of tape recorders and cameras: several condominiums at number 2 have said that the two victims would have mentioned Andrea’s name. There are still no certainties about the fact that this is the name of the murderer: the carabinieri work in the strictest secrecy, as do the prosecutor Maria Consolata Moschettino and the prosecutor Leonardo Leone de Castris.
“We do not neglect any hypothesis” is the only indiscretion that leaks among the investigators, who are examining the material collected immediately after the crime in the house, now kidnapped.

Postponed funeral

The funeral of the two young victims will no longer be held tomorrow in Seclì, in the province of Lecce. The municipal administration of Seclì, the municipality of which Eleonora Manta was originally, announced that “contrary to expectations, the funeral will not take place tomorrow, September 24, we await official communications.” Yesterday the mayor Antonio Casarano and the administration of the secliota had expressed their condolences with a public message. ” An infinite sadness – they wrote – hangs over every dry heart today. We all cry Eleonora, the broken young life, who will remain forever in our memory. An ideal hug, from Seclì, reaches the mother and the whole family. ” It is not excluded that the postponement of the funeral may be linked to investigation reasons.
