
Dies electrocuted after charging theiPhone while bathing in tub. Olesya Semenova was found by her roommate at her home in Arkhangelsk, Russia. The distraught friend named Daria immediately called the ambulance: «I screamed, shook her, but she was pale, not breathing, and showing no signs of life. I was very scared. When I touched it, I received an electric shock. There was one smartphone in the water, it was charging». Paramedics confirmed that 24-year-old Olesya, who worked in a clothing store, had died in the bathtub and that her iPhone had fallen into the water while it was still plugged in.
24-year-old store worker electrocuted after iPhone charge falls off in her bathroom
– Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) December 9, 2020
Russia’s Emergencies Ministry issued a statement following the drama, the latest in a series of fatal accidents in the country. It reads: «The tragedy reminds us once again that water and an electrical appliance connected to the network are incompatible. The same goes for any mobile device.».
He puts the phone in charge, but the cord is frayed: a girl who died by electrocution in her bed at home
In August, a Russian student named Anna, 15, died in Moscow after suffering an electric shock in her bathroom. Last year Liliya Novikova, an internationally recognized poker star, was electrocuted last year in her bathroom. A math wizard with an engineering degree from one of the best Russian universities died alone at home for the same reason – he was charging his phone while taking a shower.

Last updated: 16:22