School, green light for infection management protocol
Lazio’s National Association of Presidents raises the alarm, as unions like the UIL prepare for the legal battle on the issue of default. The Ministry of Education has just clarified, based on what has already been established by the School Decree, that it is an ordinary activity. “We are telling our colleagues to postpone them until after school starts,” explains Mario Rusconi, director of the Lazio PNA. “Not only to avoid litigation, but also because the institutions are not prepared to return in the presence of the students. We recommend doing them during the year, interrupting the lessons and dedicating a week to recover the deficiencies ”.
School, return in stages: so it will be
“There will be a recovery of learning,” says the ministry in a note. And in fact, many universities have already published the calendar. Ultimately, we proceed in no particular order: who will start them from September 7 and not from the first, who online, who in presence. And who postpones everything until after the start of the lessons. Above all, secondary school will start, few cases of secondary and primary school that will call their students to return to class next Tuesday.
These are not the old remedial courses, this year they are called Pai, a new acronym among the many in the school world: individualized learning plans. All students were promoted after the lockdown, but those who did not reach 6 years carry with them the “debt” to recover without necessarily having a final test to verify recovery (individual schools decide if they do so).
School, Azzolina: “We will protect fragile workers. Do not discredit the staff”
“The recovery – continues the note from Viale Trastevere – will begin at the beginning of September and will continue during the coming months, as required by the regulations that govern the new school year, which are the result of the management of the health emergency period that the country is experiencing There is no alarm, therefore. ” Regarding unpaid teachers, it is specified: “The ministry has only recalled, citing current legislation, that from September 1 to 14, courses can be started because the teachers are already in school for ordinary activities.” It is up to the teachers to decide.
Meanwhile, as of today, says the ministry, the “quick call that allows those who are in the ranking, but have not obtained the position with the normal round of recruitment, to apply in another region where there are places” is starting. . available to obtain the chair indefinitely first. “Immediately after the assignment of seats with the rapid call, we will proceed with the substitutions. Applications can be sent until 11:59 p.m. on September 2.