
Traffic blocking from 24 to 5 in the morning, distance education in high schools at 50% (excluding the first year), while in universities it rises to 75% (except training activities and first year). The curfew is in effect from Friday, and distance education in schools would begin on Monday. This could be the text of the new ordinance that the Lazio region It will be issued shortly due to the increase in coronavirus infections. Cases have increased considerably, especially in Rome, where the RT is 1.2: double that in Milan. Furthermore, an expression of interest has been launched to find private facilities that can make at least 5,000 tampons a day. There is also a continued increase in covid beds (2,913 units in total), plus 552 for intensive care. At this moment Lazio is there fifth region by number of infections, the second due to the increase in swabs and the first due to the cases analyzed per inhabitant.
1219 cases today in Lazio
Today, Wednesday, October 21, Lazio registered 1,219 cases of coronavirus, up from 1,224 cases registered on Tuesday. 16 people died, eleven more than the previous day (5) and 133 recovered in the last 24 hours. Today they have been processed 20 mila tampons, compared to 21 thousand thousand yesterday. In Rome there are 773 new positives, while in the provinces there are 446 cases and three deaths. “These are the most difficult days, we need rigor and respect for distancing – said the Regional Minister of Health Alessio D’Amato – The online reservation system for drive-ins has started well, since yesterday 5,000 reservations have been made and soon all the units. from Rome you will have access only by booking online Increase in the value of RT especially in the provinces, Rome maintains. The hospital network has entered the seventh phase, it is expected that some 3,000 places reserved for COVID will be fully operational “.
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