Lazio, the prosecutor investigates: three crimes


ROME – Three hypotheses of crime in the file opened by the Avellino Prosecutor. False in public deed, guilty epidemic, fraud in public supplies. Currently, only one name registered in the suspect registry: it would be Massimiliano Taccone, president of Futura Diagnostica, the laboratory in which Lazio counts for the swabs provided for in the championship. The Deputy Prosecutor Enzo D’Onofrio had opened the investigation in recent days and on Saturday, through seven-hour searches in Formello by the judicial police sent by Avellino, acquired the swab reports and all the documentation related to the anti-Covid controls as well as the medical records of Lazio players. The works will be compared with the reports and material acquired in Avellino’s laboratory. The magistrates of the Public Ministry of Irpinia work in close collaboration with the federal 007 and may have initiated the investigation as a result of the reports received by the investigating bodies in via Allegri, who have already been in Formello three times in the last week listening to the President Lotito and Dr. Ivo. Chicks The health director of the biancoceleste club is the most exposed in the first instance for the medical-legal responsibility regarding the reports.

HEARING – The case arose after the discrepancy in the controls carried out by Synlab in Europe for the Champions League matches and compared to the away game in Turin, when Inzaghi signed Immobile, Leiva and Strakosha. The three players were blocked and placed in home isolation on Saturday by ASL Roma 1 after the positivity reported by the Biomedical Campus, where they had been on Friday for another review.

Read the full article on today’s edition of Corriere dello Sport – Stadio
