ROME – Ended up in the news because of Lazio’s buffer chaos, Cyrus motionless defends himself and thanks those who support him: “I wanted to thank everyone – writes striker biancoceleste on Instagram – because, in these hours, not only my family, who is obviously always by my side, but all of you have made me feel less alone for everyone unfair accusations that came to me. I have it many messages by people who have thought above all about my health and that of my loved ones, while others have not missed the opportunity to attack me with accusations that are personal and have nothing to do with each other. Thanks a lot“Motionless, to distract himself, he is already preparing the Christmas tree, well in advance, as evidenced by a photo on Instagram of his wife Jessica:”But how much do you love me to always please me?“writes the woman with a touch of irony of her own.

Lazio-Juve, Chaos biancoceleste