I family doctors are not required to visit positive patients when COVID-19. That is the task of the “specialists”. But they are scarce. The sentence of Lazio tar and the interpretations that will come in the next few days are likely to be devastating in the criteria for organizing home management of Covid patients. In Lazio, where the applicant challenged the provisions of the Region Italian Doctors Union (Smi), but also in other territories, which in the face of high hospitalization have requested the collaboration of general practitioners. According to administrative judges, family doctors have been “vested with a home care role for Covid patients completely incorrect“Y” loaded with tasks completely unrelated to their role within the regional health system, are dangerously distracted and, in fact, relieved of their main task, which is to provide ordinary care, to the detriment of the concrete possibility of helping the many non-Covid patients, many of whom suffer from even serious pathologies”.
But then, a person who has contracted Sars-The-2, Who is sick but does not need hospitalization, who should you contact? According to Lazio TAR, in Dry, the Special Care Continuity Units established by Decree Law 14 of March 9, on which the Italian Government – explains Antonio Magi, president of the Order of Doctors of Rome, “has invested 721 million euros for the construction of 1,200 mobile units throughout Italy, one for every 50 thousand inhabitants“, Even if” at the moment we have only reached a 600“In Lazio, however, the two calls launched in the spring were deserted, as you will recall Pier Luigi Bartoletti, Fimmg national undersecretary and head of Usca-R, the Lazio de Usca variant, model based on the participation of family doctors. “Unfortunately there are no doctors, there are none. We started this project on October 30, with mobile units monitoring the four quadrants of Rome, with voluntary membership of general practitioners. It was going well, we avoided more than 200 accesses to the first aid. Now we will have to dismantle everything ”.
The Lazio Region announces that it will present urgent appeal to the Council of State. In the meantime, the effects on the treatment of Covid patients that it will have on future measures must be understood. “To apply the sentence to the letter, GPs should disinterest of Covid patients ”, Bartoletti adventure. And indeed the news was taken with great concern by Alessio D’Amato, Minister of Health of Lazio: “Thinking of managing the more than 600 thousand in isolation at home in Italy and more than 60 thousand in Lazio only with mobile units would mean having more than one audience available 10 thousand operators. This is neither possible nor practicable ”.
The provision of ART runs the risk of having an impact on ongoing decisions as well. Nacional level. Just on Saturday he had arrived at the table of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, directions for him home management of Covid patients, drawn up in black and white by the working group led by the president of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli. Not only. On October 28, Speranza had also signed the agreement for the administration of rapid antigenic swabs in 50 thousand medical and pediatric offices, a protocol that Lazio had endorsed at the beginning of the kit distribution among those who had joined the voluntary tender.
“Now there is a risk of serious damage and irreparable for the territorial assistance network in the fight against the pandemic “, thunders D’Amato, worried that Lazio could slip from a” comfortable “yellow zone to orange zone: Only today ASL data had communicated an important decrease in hospitalized patients (46 minus), the first since the start of the second wave. “We are satisfied with the great recognition of our sacrosanct claims to protect the general practitioners of Lazio and the citizens of this region,” he says Cristina Patrizi, director of SMI Lazio.