Lazio, signs new anti-Covid ordinance: distance learning above 50%, stop trips from 24 to 5



The president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, will sign tonight, with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, a new “Ordinance pursuant to article 32, paragraph 3 of the law of December 23, 1978, n. 833 on hygiene and public health. New measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of COVID-2019 ”.

The points of the ordinance, as announced by a note from the Region are:

1. Strengthen the COVID network by increasing the number of beds dedicated to the care of patients affected by COVID-19, identifying public and private structures other than those already included in the COVID network, even partially dedicated, and anticipating the expansion of places. of those already included in the network, until the achievement of 2,913 beds, of which 552 dedicated to intensive and sub-intensive care.

2. As of the night between Friday, October 23 and Saturday, October 24, prohibit travel during the night in the territory of the Region, from 24:00 to 5:00 hours the next day, except trips motivated by proven needs (for example, for workers, the journey from home, residence and residence to the workplace and vice versa), and for journeys motivated by situations of need or urgency, or for health reasons.

3. As of Monday, October 26, promote integrated digital teaching in secondary schools and universities. Second grade secondary schools increase the use of integrated digital learning by 50 percent of students, with the exception of those enrolled in the first year, while universities increase the use of integrated digital learning in a proportion equal to 75 percent of enrolled students, excluding training activities that require physical presence or the use of equipment.

With this new provision, the entire regional hospital network is remodeled, expanding and strengthening the places dedicated to COVID-19 following the trend of the epidemiological curve“This was stated by the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti.

In these months – continues the president – our work has been constant, we never stop and thanks to the collaboration of everyone in Lazio only in October 300 thousand swabs were performed, more than 15 thousand on average per day and we are the first region in Italy for the number of cases tested in proportion to population”.
We continue to constantly monitor the situation and are working to implement and increase detection action for this – Zingaretti concludes – we are launching an expression of interest to identify private structures capable of making at least 5 thousand buffers per day”.

