Lazio red zone, as of Monday all dad’s schools. Hairdressers and barbers closed, but you can go to second homes


For the first time since the color system, differentiated from Region to Region, the Lazio walk into red band, carried away by the effect of the diffusion of variants. It will happen on Monday, when everyone schools They will distance educationthey will close Pub me restaurants (home delivery allowed), only essential stores will remain open, prohibited displacements even within the Region except for work, necessity and health reasons. Lazio’s transmission index (RT) is 1.3 and it has not been that high for nine months, that is, since last June. This value activates the Red zone, with a double jump for Lazio that will remain until Sunday yellow. He warns the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato: «Attention, the expected scenario is markedly worse».

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The transition to the very high risk classification will only take place on Monday and this fuels fears that there may be excesses in the last two days in yellow, which coincide with the weekend (today and tomorrow). But what happened in Lazio? Are the numbers really that worrisome? Yes and no. In the field of hospitalization, the situation is not yet at the limit and the increase in the last two weeks has not been so striking: on Thursday, February 25, in Lazio there were 227 patients COVID-19 in intensive care and 1,807 in medical departments; yesterday there were 258 in intensive care and 2,088 in other wards. As you can see, there is an increase but not massive, we are on the order of plus 10 percent. Among other things, vaccination with at least one dose of almost 50 percent of those over 80 years (205 thousand) has reduced hospitalizations and deaths in this age group, the highest risk. It must be said that in January there were an average of 40-50 deaths from Covid per day, in the last week we are at 20-30. And yesterday the daily vaccine administration record was broken, with 22,936 injections (the total is already 625 thousand). Therefore, so far the situation seems to be under control.

But there are other numbers to scare. According to the latest report from the Higher Institute of Health (dated February 18, so the percentages are higher today) the English variant in Lazio is present in 34 percent of positive cases, the Brazilian in 13.2 . Its transmission speed is very high and this explains the sudden acceleration. Professor Corrado Spinella, director of the Department of Physical Sciences and Matter Technologies at Cnr, has developed a model that, thanks to an algorithm, predicts the progress of the epidemic. He explains: Lazio, without new closings, due to the spread of the variants, “in two months it would find 5,000 boxes a day”.

It would be an unsustainable scenario, which would destroy the health system. But is there really such an overwhelming increase in new infected in Lazio that it justifies the double jump from yellow to red without going orange? Premise, the weekly report (to be presented today) is based on data from 7 to 10 days ago, due to the time required for processing. In fact, in the period taken into consideration for the calculation of the RT, Lazio’s numbers are on the rise. Let’s take the last three weeks as a reference: between February 19 and 26, 7,146 new positive cases were detected; in the following week they became 9,681, a very high increase, plus 35 percent. If the growth rate had remained at that level, Lazio would be on their knees today.

Fortunately, in the last week the new positive cases have increased less strongly: they were 10,547, the increase is 9 percent. So is the situation improving? Not quite. Until Wednesday we could assume a braking (at least a reduction in speed), but yesterday something anomalous happened: 1,800 positive cases in a single day. There hadn’t been that many registered in 24 hours since January 14. Then, the percentage of positives in the evaluated cases (both molecular and antigen tests) was 5%, yesterday it was 4%, so there are no substantial differences. In fact, we have returned to the epidemiological situation of two months ago.

Prohibitions and permits

As of Monday, Italy will be decidedly redder. Lazio, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia ed Emilia romagna in all likelihood they will reach the highest risk group Campania, Basilicata me Molise. Therefore, the vast majority of Italians will have to go back to dealing with very strict restrictions, some different from those encountered earlier in the year. Along with the curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., Dad for schools of all levels and the prohibition to leave municipal limits except for valid reasons (health, work or study), in fact there are new limitations.


For example, it is no longer allowed to move into private homes to visit friends and family (not even once a day). Not only that, unlike what has happened so far, hair salons, hair salons and all activities that deal with personal care also close in the red zone. As for restaurants, however, the measures are those that are now known. Therefore, the blinds are closed all day, except for home deliveries or take out (until 6pm for bars, until 10pm for restaurants). In addition, even in the red zone, you can perform motor activities individually but only outdoors, near your home and with the obligation of a mask.


Locked rooms, however take out is allowed

It is one of the most shocking measures in the pandemic life of Italians: in the red zone, bars, restaurants and patisseries must remain closed. However, home deliveries and take-out are allowed. However, the latter, as prescribed by the Dpcm of March 6, for bars or all activities without a kitchen is prohibited after 18.


Lessons at home for students of all levels.

In the red zone, all face-to-face teaching activities are suspended. Therefore, classes of all levels and levels from Monday will have to adopt the father, except for workshops or students with disabilities or special educational needs.
The limitations are also valid for universities, where all educational and curricular activities, likewise, are developed at a distance.


Admitted to visit only those who need help

Unlike what happened until March 6, that is, before the new Dpcm was launched, in the higher risk range it is no longer allowed to transfer (not even once a day) to private homes. That is, you can no longer visit friends and family. Obviously, situations of need or health are an exception, but they must be “proven” by self-certification.


Store blinds are fine for groceries only

In the red light district, almost all the stores remain open. In fact, companies that deal in clothing, footwear or jewelry are an exception. In addition, regardless of the type of activity carried out, the markets are closed, except for activities aimed at the sale of food, agricultural and horticultural products only.
Shutter down also for barbers, hairdressers and in general for all those involved in personal care.

Free time

Allowed to practice outdoor sports

Individual sports are allowed, but only in the immediate vicinity of the house and respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person. Unlike the orange area, in red there is also the obligation to use the mask. On the other hand, gyms and swimming pools are obviously closed.


You can get to your own houses

Assuming that you are always allowed to return to your own residence, you are allowed to move to second homes. As the Faq clarifies, in fact they can also be reached in the red zone as long as they are uninhabited, only one family unit moves, and above all it can be proven that they have title, rent or ownership, from before January 14. Therefore, there are no short rentals.
