
Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti in an interview about Raiuno talks about the ordinance that has just been signed for the Lazio Region. Therefore, a weekend with many restrictions is prepared for the citizens of Rome and other provinces of Lazio. In Lazio, stop by the large sales structures on weekends and the markets on holidays. These are the provisions of the new ordinance. The text of the provision, specifically, orders and provides for the closure of large commercial structures on holidays and the eve of holidays “, referred to in article 15, paragraph 1, letter I of the autonomous law no 22 of November 6 of 2019 (consolidated trade) regardless of the type of activity that is developed, except for those destined to the sale only of food products, pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and kiosks. ” , the activities of retail trade within the markets referred to in Legislative Decree No. 114, with the sole exception of activities for the sale of food products.
Download the ordinance in .pdf format
In addition, “amateur markets are closed and markets for the sale or exhibition of their own works of art and intellectual property of a creative nature and the like. Finally, the provision orders that “commercial activities excluded from the closures provided for by this ordinance or from the closures established by the Decree of the Prime Minister of November 3, 2020, are in any case obliged to guarantee: surveillance to verify compliance with interpersonal distances and the prohibition of assembly; method of quota / staging of admissions, in order to ensure the numerical limits of presence of clients and employees; the security and prevention measures identified in Annex 9 of the aforementioned Dpcm of November 3, 2020. “Guidelines for the reopening of economic, productive and recreational activities of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces of October 8, 2020”. The ordinance provisions are effective from the date of publication and are effective until November 30, 2020.
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“I have just signed a new ordinance that aims to limit meetings, on holidays and days before holidays, within large commercial structures and large commercial areas, which are frequented especially during the weekend. I am well aware that these are new restrictions and sacrifices, but they are made to fight the virus and block the contagion curve. This ordinance is the result of a strategy and a spirit of prevention, children of an epidemiological and health situation as confirmed daily by the data that in our region is still under control but it is still serious and must be stopped, which absolutely does not we must allow, however, is that the virus takes over. Let’s not forget that we live with an enemy as invisible as it is aggressive, so using prevention as the first weapon to combat it undoubtedly makes us more aware and stronger. With these words, the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti announces the signing of a new regional ordinance that will launch the market stall and maxi stores during the weekend.
Last updated: 18:15