Lazio coronavirus, 2,538 new positive cases, 59 deaths and 494 new ones recovered. Hospitalizations are falling but there are more patients in intensive care


Covid-19 infections are increasing but with more swabs: in Lazio today there are 2,538 new positives compared to 2,407 yesterday (131 more in the last 24 hours), of the 25 thousand tests carried out (+5,359 compared to Monday). Cases are decreasing in Rome, where 1,362 infected compared to 1,499 the day before (-137 compared to November 16). Deaths increase by 25: 59 deaths in the last 24 hours. But the number of healed people also increases: there are 494, or 82 more than yesterday. While the ratio between positive cases and smears performed decreases one percentage point: it is 10% (yesterday it was 11%). The worrying figure is the leap forward in patients admitted to intensive care: there are 308, therefore, 30 more than on Monday. The commitment on the storage, distribution and administration of the Covid vaccine continues. This was stated by the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.

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The situation in the individual Asl

In detail for local health companies, in the Asl Rome 1 There are 503 cases in the last 24 hours against 422 yesterday. The increase is therefore 81 units in the last 24 hours. And these are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. Three are hospitalizations. There are seven deaths of 60, 69, 70, 82, 85, 87 and 94 years with pathologies. Cases in the Asl Rome 2. Here there are 393 new positives in the last 24 hours (-205 compared to the previous day) and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. One hundred seventy-five cases on the recommendation of the GP. There are fifteen deaths of 45, 57, 63, 66, 75, 76, 77, 80, 84, 84, 85, 88, 88, 91 and 98 years with pathologies.

Those infected in the Asl Rome 3: there are 466 cases in the last 24 hours (-13 compared to Monday) and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are four deaths of 41, 81, 86 and 86 years with pathologies. Cases dot Asl Rome 4, where 152 new positives are registered compared to 32 the day before (+120 compared to November 16) in the last 24 hours and these are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 52, 74 and 77 years with pathologies.

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New wave of infected also in Asl Rome 5. Here are 309 cases in the last 24 hours compared to 182 yesterday (+127 in the last 24 hours) and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are five deaths of 72, 74, 80, 84 and 86 years with pathologies. 14 units increase in Asl Rome 6, where 153 new cases have been registered in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are five deaths of 62, 76, 76, 86 and 91 years with pathologies.

The situation in the provinces

Positive cases increase slightly in the provinces, where 562 infected are registered (+7 compared to the previous day). The death toll also rises: they are 20 against 9 on Monday, that is, 11 more deaths in the last 24 hours. Cases in the Latin ASL There are 236 new cases (-9 compared to November 16) and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are seven deaths of 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 90 and 90 years with pathologies.

Wave of positives in the Asl from Frosinone, where 225 new cases are registered compared to 69 yesterday. The increase is therefore 156 units in the last 24 hours. And these are isolated cases at home, contacts of a case already known or with a family link. There are four deaths of 48, 61, 63 and 84 years with pathologies. Cases in the Viterbo ASL, where 83 new cases are registered (-73 compared to Monday) and these are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. Twenty-two cases are related to a monastery of Trappist nuns in Vitorchiano where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out. There are three deaths of 68, 70 and 86 years with pathologies.

The situation in the Rieti ASL. Here 18 new positives are shown against 85 from the previous day (-67 in the last 24 hours) and these are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. there are six deaths of 81, 86, 87, 87, 92 and 93 years with pathologies.

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In Lazio 71,255 positive cases

The number of positive cases in Lazio in the last 24 hours exceeded 71 thousand: in fact, 71,255 were infected against 69,270 yesterday. Therefore, the increase is 1,985 units. The number of hospitalized patients is decreasing: they are 3,066 against 3,099 yesterday (-33 in the last 24 hours). The number of patients admitted to intensive care has increased by 30: therefore, there are 308 in the last 24 hours. While, again compared to November 16, 1,739 people died against 1,680 yesterday (+ 59 deaths in the last 24 hours). Those healed exceed 16,000: in fact, 16,225 compared to 15,731 on Saturday. Therefore, the increase is 494 units. The total number of cases examined exceeds 89 thousand: there are 89,219 (+2,538 compared to yesterday).

The situation in the unit

All units in Rome can be accessed by booking online and also through the Salute Lazio app, for both Ios and Android systems. To make a reservation you must have the white recipe with the 3 barcodes to be scanned with the App and continue with the instructions until the reservation is confirmed. The new unit opens in Amatrice. This is the 65th structure. Meanwhile, today the job for fragile people will start on the Paseo Labaro of the Sant’Andrea hospital. The new Tor Vergata unit is active and is the 64th of the regional network. The online reservation system for ASL Roma 4, ASL di Frosinone and ASL di Rieti has also been launched. “Soon – the Region assures us – it will also be operational in ASL Roma 5”. Drive-ins in the province of Viterbo can also be accessed by reservation. Swabbing can be done, without queuing, at the Viterbo drive-in in Riello, open every day, Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm; at the Tarquinia hospital, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 to 14; at the Civita Castellana hospital, from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 1 pm. As for the Rieti mobile health unit, there are 5 drive-ins in the capital and in the area. Quick swabs can also be performed in private facilities authorized by the Lazio Region, at a cost of 22 euros. If positive, citizens will be able to run the standard molecular swab at the same facility. More information on the website

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Influenza vaccine, problems in District VII

Regarding influenza vaccines, more than a million doses have already been administered, with a coverage of subjects over 65 years equal to 50% and subjects aged 60 to 64 years equal to 45% and other subjects at risk – according to circular ministerial – equal to 54%. “The delays in supplies are due to production difficulties around the world,” explains D’Amato, who assures that “a supply of 73,000 doses will arrive over the weekend.” The vaccination campaign will last until January. For those over 60 years old and 6 months to 6 years old, the Region invites citizens to reserve the vaccine with their personal doctor or pediatrician of free choice. But doctors in Rome’s 7th district (San Giovanni area, Appio Latino, one of the largest and most populous health districts in Italy) continue without receiving the vaccine doses reserved for some time. Delivery happens from week to week and they no longer know what to respond to their clients, many of them elderly, who are pushing to get vaccinated

Rapid antigen tests

General practitioners have begun rapid antigen testing. “The ASL – remembers D’Amato – are distributing the first 50 thousand tests (of the 200 thousand) with the corresponding personal protective equipment”. “Soon – explains the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region – we will also have differential tests that discriminate Covid from seasonal flu.”

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Molecular swabs in private laboratories

The first 5 laboratories of the private network were authorized to carry out molecular tests free of charge for the regional health service. Here are the ones in Rome: the Pius XI nursing home in via Aurelia 559; the Altamedica Artemisia Spa analysis laboratory, in viale Liegi 45; the Praximedica srl ​​analysis laboratory in Via Magna Grecia 117; Can.Bi.As Caravaggio srl laboratory for clinical analysis in via Accademia degli Agiati 65; the Lifebrain srl analysis laboratory in viale Roma 190 in Guidonia Montecelio. The maximum price for those who do the molecular privately is 60 euros.

Anti-Covid Toll Free 800.118.800

The new headquarters of the toll-free anti-Covid line 800,118,800 managed by Ares 118 is operational ”. Doctors – explains the Region – through the ASL will contact people in isolation, ensuring follow-up and connection with the respective territorial assistance networks. “.

Call for young doctors

The call for young doctors and postgraduate graduates has been published on the website of the Umberto I Polyclinic.

Cancer prevention

The reservation service at Palazzo Baleari, the advanced center for women’s health, is active. For information and reservations you can contact the number 06.52666099. “An important reference point for women – explains the Region – because Covid must not stop prevention and especially cancer screening”.

Contact tracing activities

To enhance the activity of locating contacts, 86 new tracers were hired from the national call for civil protection, of which 20 doctors, 24 nurses, 19 prevention technicians and 23 administrators.

USCAR-R healthcare workers working for home care

Activity continues in the four quadrants of the city of the Usca-R mobile units connected to the 118 operations center in Rome for the home management of green codes. This is the first test in Italy of a home service connected to the emergency network.
