
“The Regional Office of Education for Lazio unexpectedly published note no. 39279, with which, as a result of the coordination tables installed in the Lazio prefectures, instructions are issued for the resumption of teaching activities in presence, as of January 7, 2021 “
The unions of Lazio Flc Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Gilda, Snals write it in a note.
The unions in the statement highlight in particular:
“1. The mismatch in admission times leads to strong coordination problems between educational institutions, where many teachers assigned to external teaching chairs work on a regular basis, whose hours are distributed between two or even three schools;
2. In technical and professional institutes, where the school hours are especially long, admission at 10.00 am extends beyond measure the school commitments of students, to which must be added the travel times to get to schools , distributed throughout the territory in a much less generalized way than in the first cycle of education. The case of school days will not be uncommon, which, due to the necessary movements, will end around 6:00 p.m., when students must start studying at home according to this scheme. Excessive delay in completing school activities could, therefore, lead to further deterioration of learning processes, with special reference to students in more fragile conditions and with special educational needs ”.
And then: “The students will not have the possibility of regular meals during the week, since the secondary schools do not have canteens, unlike the first cycle. It will not be possible to carry out any recovery activity (even if it is foreseen by school regulations) and, even more, to strengthen and expand the training activity ”.
Finally, the OOSS highlights the difficulties linked to the reorganization of the teaching staff and the displacement of the ATA staff, which “for the same number of staff, should guarantee a longer follow-up time for students and new reorganization actions” .
The plan does not even convince the principals: “The prescriptive indications of the prefect of Rome cannot be fully implemented given the complexity of the system that concerns the operation of secondary schools”, says the president of the ANP of Rome and Lazio, Mario Rusconi . “In some schools the children finished their lessons between 17 and 18 without having lunch – explains Rusconi – and then we don’t have the plan in terms of means of transport. I see that the resumption of classes on January 7 is complicated, ”he concludes.
50% back to classes until January 16. Here’s the Lazio plan: admissions also at 10. Note