Lazio, almost impossible to leave the Region even if it is the yellow zone: that’s why


Paradox Region Lazio: even if this is still in yellow band, for the citizens of Lazio leave the regional territory seems almost impossible.

With the exception of a small strip of territory with which Lazio – in the Frosinone area – borders Molise, there is in fact the Prohibition to leave the Region except for reasons of necessity..

However, the prohibition to leave one’s own region is in effect only for areas located in the area. orange OR rossa; Lazio citizens should therefore not be subject to any restrictions regarding travel within and outside of the Region, except for those after 22:00 when the curfew comes.

And in fact it is so; however, Lazio citizens pay indirectly the restrictions introduced in neighboring regions, which – with the latest ordinance of the Ministry of Health – all or almost all belong to the orange or red area.

Lazio isolated despite being in the yellow zone: that’s why

While remaining in the yellow area, Lazio is now surrounded by Regions which, forming part of the orange or red area, they have closed their borders. In fact, therefore, you can leave the Municipality to move within the regional borders, but enter one of the neighboring Regions. it doesn’t seem possible unless one of the reasons that justify the movements between regions.

With the ordinance passed today, in fact, Tuscany and Campania finish in the red band, while the Marks become orange band. Abruzzo and Umbria then remain in the orange band, while the only Region in the yellow zone is Molise which, as anticipated, borders Lazio in a small part of the territory of the province of Frosinone.

We remind you, in fact, that one of the restrictions that is triggered by passing from a yellow zone to another with a higher alert level, therefore the orange or red zone, is the one that prohibits travel to and from the Region. This means that those who live in Campania and Tuscany, as well as in the Marche, will not be able to leave the regional borders; at the same time, however, not even those who live in the other Regions, even if they are in the yellow area, will be able to enter.

That is why Lazio seems isolated today; a true paradox, but we reiterate that we can still move forward if there is one of the reasons indicated by the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3.

Isolated Lazio: when you can leave the Region

First of all, it is important to say that those who live in Lazio will still be able to transit in neighboring regions that are in the orange or red area to reach other territories not subject to travel restrictions.

Those who live in Lazio, therefore, will be able to travel to reach the other Regions that are in the yellow band, that is, Veneto, Molise me Sardinia, in addition to Province of Trento. However, self-certification will be required if traffic is expected in one of the Orange or Red Area Regions.

In other cases, trips motivated by:

  • proven job needs;
  • situations of need;
  • health reasons;
  • trips strictly necessary for teaching to take place in person.

the go back to your house, home or residence, while second box the transfer is foreseen only in cases of strict necessity. In any case, even for these movements it is necessary to carry the self-declaration.
