Latina, wedding party with more than 80 people: the carabinieri arrive, all participants fined


The case of Pontinia (Latina) – In Pontinia, the military intervened after a report. The bride and groom and guests were celebrating in a villa, now at risk of closure. “We can no longer have parties and gatherings of this magnitude that question the health of the participants and the rest of the community. This is the moment of responsibility, otherwise we cannot do it against the virus,” added D’Amato who thanked the carabinieri “for the commitment they are putting into control activities.”

The case of Zafferana Etnea (Catania) – In the case of Zafferana Etnea, the spouses – 31 years, 29 years – tried in vain to justify themselves. The fine of 400 euros for the owner of the restaurant and its immediate closure for the duration of 5 days.
