Latina, mayor’s order: school will open on September 24


The mayor of Latina is preparing an order that postpones the start of lessons until September 24. The provision refers to schools of all levels, with the exception of nursery schools. Other mayors in the province will adopt a similar option.

The decision was made at the end of a meeting that took place this afternoon by videoconference between the majority of the mayors of the province of Latina, a confrontation that was promoted by the mayor Damiano Coletta and by the president of the province Carlo Medici.

“It was an election shared with the majority of the fellow Mayors – says Mayor Coletta – because we believe that the postponement of the lessons will allow us to complete all the additional security protocols due to the absence of single-seater banks, also taking advantage of the pause linked to Quote. referendum. We are talking about interventions that have absolute priority since the safety of children, adolescents and school personnel depends on them. The City Council in recent days has received several requests in this regard also from the same School Directors through the Councilor for Public Education Gianmarco Proietti. And the requests presented during the last School Commission, chaired by Fabio D’Achille, also went in this direction. I am convinced that this is the wisest decision at this time, especially since it has reached the end of a path made of listening and sharing.
