There are 236 new positive cases of Coronavirus registered in Latina in the last 24 hours. On Monday there were 245. In just one day, then, 7 people died from the virus, bringing the total number to 107 deaths. We do not know the number of swabs made and not even the positivity rate of them, since the Latino health company does not publicly disclose this information. There are currently 5162 positives for Covid in the province, of which 4984 are treated at home. In the hospital, therefore, there are 178 hospitalized. Those cured in the last 24 hours were 48, which brings the total number to 1,447.
This is the note of the ASL of Latina: “With respect to yesterday, it is announced that 236 new positive cases have been registered, distributed in the Municipalities of Aprilia (23), Bassiano (1), Castelforte (1), Cisterna di Latina ( 3), Cori (1), Fondi (21), Formia (22), Gaeta (5), Itri (8), Latina (54), Minturno (14), Monte S. Biagio (1), Norma (3), Pontinia (11), Priverno (13), S. Felice Circeo (3), Sabaudia (5), Santi Cosma and Damiano (2), Sermoneta ( 1), Sezze (17), Sonnino (2), Sperlonga (2), Spigno Saturnia (1) and Terracina (22).
The deaths of 7 patients residing in the municipality of Bassiano (1), Cori (1), Latina (3) and Terracina (2) were recorded.
Here you will find the current situation Municipality by Municipality
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