There are 149 new positive cases of Coronavirus registered in the last 24 hours in the province of Latina. In addition, one death was recorded. To make it known, through today’s newsletter, is the ASL de Latina.
In detail, the cases are distributed in the Municipalities of Aprilia (15), Campo di Mele (1), Castelforte (1), Cisterna di Latina (26), Cori (2), Fondi (14), Formia (2), from Gaeta (2), from Itri (2), from Latina (48), from Lenola (5), from Minturno (8), from Monte San Biagio (1) from Pontinia (2), Priverno (3), from Roccagorga (1) from Sabaudia (1) from Sezze (3), from Spigno Saturnia (1) and from Terracina (11).
“It is regrettable that, due to the high number of positives found in a social assistance center in Itri, the Crisis Unit has been activated: patients together with employees currently present in the structure are subjected to telemonitoring”, writes the Local Health Authority in the note.
It should be remembered that, in relation to the epidemiological situation existing at the local level, in the Municipalities of Aprilia, Gaeta and Priverno, permanent local “Drive in” stations have been activated for the execution of antigenic or molecular tests aimed at detecting the COV2 coronavirus of the SARS. .
GAETA: active from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday c / o old hospital Monseñor Don Luigi di Liegro through the cappuccini climb
APRILIA : active from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday c / o Fiera (flower market) in Campoverde Km 46,600 (towards Latina) of the SS.148 Pontina
PRIVERNO: active from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday at the Casa della Salute located in via Madonna delle Grazie
Access to the “drive in” is regulated by a reservation that must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Therefore, the swab will not be guaranteed for people without reservation, with the exception of the following citizens who can appear without reservation: citizens who have to leave abroad, where the corresponding certification is required, for which it will be sufficient to show the staff of Appropriate “drive in” travel document and receipt of payment; citizens contacted by the Prevention Department, which will proceed directly to make the reservation.
To avoid unnecessary queues, all fast and molecular antigenic swabs should be reserved through online registration by typing the following link: (CLICK HERE)
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