Latina, Coronavirus, 13 new positive cases in the last 24 hours in Latina: this is where


There are 13 new Coronaviruses registered in the last 24 hours in the province of Latina. Say what ASL is, in today’s newsletter. Of the total of new infections, 11 are treated at home. The positives are distributed in the municipalities of Aprilia (6), Cisterna di Latina (2), Latina (2), Pontinia (1), Roccagorga (1) and Sabaudia (1).

It should be remembered that, in relation to the local epidemiological situation, a local Drive was activated overtime in the municipalities of Aprilia and Formia for the execution of the rapid test (“antigenic”) aimed at detecting the SARS-COV2 coronavirus.
The days and locations of these Drive in are as follows:

APRILIA: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of September, “old Acqua Claudia factory” with entrance through SS.148 Km. 46,600

FORMIA: Sunday 27 – Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 September Cine multiplex del mar – via Olivastro Spaventola

“The performance of this test is aimed at all citizens, mainly domiciled / residents in these municipalities, who, although they do not present clinical signs of the disease, have, due to contacts within the community, a greater risk of becoming infected and due to what are currently carriers of the infection. In this sense, it is observed that this test is not aimed at citizens already commissioned by the ASL Prevention Department since they are symptomatic or “certain contacts” of positive subjects for whom the execution methods remain. of the tests carried out by the Department that are current throughout the Company. To avoid unnecessary queues, all rapid and molecular antigenic swabs must be reserved by registering online using the QR code shown below or by following the reservation procedure shown on the company website: “.
