The Mayor orders the obligation to wear a mask in public, regardless of time. This is the decision made by the mayor of Coletta by virtue of the summit held with the Prefect of Latina.
An administrative sanction of 100 euros is foreseen for violators for breach of the union ordinance
The Mayor, after having agreed on it at the Security Table with the Prefect, Maurizio Falco, with the President of the Province, Carlo Medici, and with the Director General of the ASL, Giorgio Casati, today signed ordinance number 231, with which order:
– The obligation that any person wear correctly, until October 15, 2020, the personal protection device (mask) throughout the municipality and without distinction of time, in all public areas and / or open to the public where not It is possible to guarantee compliance with the regulations on social distancing, with the exception of children under 6 years of age as well as those who present forms of certified incompatibility with the continued use of the mask;
– That an administrative penalty of 100 euros will be applied in case of non-compliance with this Ordinance.
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