“The time has come to take responsibility. Nobody wants those drastic closures that we can no longer afford and nobody wants to instill fear, but from now on there will be a response from the system with constant monitoring of the territory, an even stronger synergy between the institutions and a health reorganization ”. The prefect of Latina Maurizio Falco did not use words to frame the line that the institutions are willing to follow in this crucial stage of the health emergency, which is also seeing a worrying advance of the Covid-19 Coronavirus in our territory. Virus that yesterday, in the province, registered the new absolute record of cases in a single day: 126 positives, of which 88 distributed between the capital (31), Aprilia (31) and Cisterna (26).
Falco, at the new summit organized yesterday in the Cambellotti room of the Prefecture in front of journalists and together with the commissioner Michele Maria Spina, the president of the Province of Latina Carlo Medici, the mayor of Latina Damiano Coletta and the general manager of the Pontina ASL Giorgio Casati also stressed that attention will be focused on the transport node “which will be strengthened, with vehicles and races, to avoid full vehicles and therefore concentrations as much as possible. In this sense, we address ourselves above all to young people because, based on certain behaviors, it seems that they have not yet perceived the seriousness of the situation. And we also go to the different schools to create a provincial coordination of distance and face-to-face teaching, in order to better manage the activities of each complex and school transport.
One thing is certain: the regional “curfew” started last night and this will be the weekend of the dress rehearsal for the new restrictions. Casati, for his part, explained: «Latina, Aprilia and Cisterna continue to worry us about the numerous cases that have been occurring for days. Numbers that, based on our evaluations, will increase. This curve, however, must be resized because we run the risk of returning to a Goretti hospital dedicated only to Covid patients as in the confinement, and this would be to the detriment of all the other patients that we can no longer neglect. I invite you all – Casati concluded – to download the Immuni application to help the health system ». Latina, Aprilia and Cisterna will, from now on, be mapped with a geolocation system: with google maps, the infected and the places with the greatest aggregation, and therefore of meeting, will be identified, and then act accordingly with specific measures. Indeed, an “armor” with guarded nightlife areas: in the capital, for example, the police will keep the pub area, Piazza San Marco, Piazza del Quadrato and the classic high school parking lot under the lens.
After the three centers “at risk”, the other cases of yesterday were registered in Terracina (9), Sabaudia (5), Fondi (4), Sezze (3), Cori (3), Norma (2), Pontinia (2 ), Roccagorga (2), Castelforte (2), Priverno (1), Sonnino (1), Monte San Biagio (1), Itri (1), Formia (1) and Gaeta (1). The provincial overview since the beginning of the pandemic sees 2,423 cases; 42.12 prevalence (the number of people who tested positive for every 10,000 inhabitants); 789 cured; 45 deceased; 1,589 positives of which 1,466 attended at home. Therefore, there are 123 Pontine people hospitalized: 73 in the Goretti hospital in Latina, where 91 Covid places are available and where 10% of the new positives are attracted. On Monday, except for unforeseen circumstances, another 12 beds will be available in Emergency Medicine. Among the positives there are also several nurses and an emergency doctor, the latter hospitalized in Infectious Diseases with interstitial pneumonia. Meanwhile, at Aprilia, the Ecocentro employees were all negative and today they will resume their normal activities.
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