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Outbreak in the Polignano company, 121 infections

From the coronavirus outbreak that developed in the fruit and vegetable company Sop “in total, some seventy cases emerged in Polignano, out of a population of almost 18,000 inhabitants”: the epidemiologist Pierluigi Lopalco, consultant to the working group of the Coronavirus Emergency of the Puglia region. According to the data reported by Lopalco, within the company, in the first instance, 273 swabs were made that detected 108 positives. While, from Wednesday, September 9 to Friday, 11, another 338 swabs were made in Polignano, in the area authorized by Civil Protection near the municipal stadium, which diagnosed another 13 infections. So right now, there are 121 cases in total, but the activity continues. In fact, after an inspection inside the company, carried out by the Prevention Department, a swab was commissioned from another 200 employees who belong to the food collection cycle, therefore outside the plant. Today Governor Michele Emiliano will meet with the Mayor of Polignano, Domenico Vitto, for a meeting.
