GROSSETO – The territory of the province of Grosseto could soon leave the red zone. The words of the President of the Region kindled the hope of the people of Maremma Eugenio Giani who this morning in an interview with Lady Radio raised the idea of asking the Government to remove the provinces of Grosseto and Siena from the red zone where for days there are figures consistent with an improved situation regarding the parameters that indicate the greatest risk.
Giani also specified that this condition cannot change today, but within a few days.
And precisely this morning the provincial coordinator of Italy Viva Rinaldo Carlicchi had invited Governor Giani to make this decision.
“Dear President Eugenio Giani – writes Carlicchi -, according to the DPCM, the restriction measures will be evaluated weekly, and will have a minimum duration of 15 days (in any case no later than December 3): as a result, if a Region as zone 4 (or red), it will stay there for at least two weeks. Each Region will be located in one of the three bands based on objective criteria, listed in the scientific document shared with the Conference of Regions (“Covid-19 prevention and response, evolution of the strategy for the autumn-winter period”). The Minister of Health may adopt ordinances in agreement with the President of the Region in order to provide for the exemption of the application of one or more restrictive measures, even in specific parts of the regional territory. It seems clear to me that the provinces of Grosseto and Siena should not be in the red zone for no more than 15 days.