Trip – Without prejudice to the fact that returning to one’s residence, domicile or home is always a legitimate reason for moving, and that it is always possible to move for reasons of work, health or necessity, without distinction of days and hours, until January 6 It is forbidden to travel outside the Region, also to visit family and friends. But there are some exceptions: on red days (December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 and January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) it is possible to make only one trip per day to visit family and friends, without However, for a maximum of two people who can be added under 14 years of age, disabled or not self-sufficient; These trips will also be allowed outside their own municipality, as long as they are from the same region, always from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 10 p.m., as well as visits, maintaining the same principle and a maximum of two non-cohabitants visiting at home. On the same days, it is allowed to travel outside of municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants within a 30-kilometer radius (even in another region), but not in provincial capitals. For each movement you must have self-certification.
Second box – Until January 6, travel to second homes within the same Region is allowed, but only from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Those from other Regions are prohibited.
Visits to non-self-sufficient relatives – Displacements will be allowed until January 6 even between different municipalities and regions.
Meeting for couples living in different cities – It is possible to move only if the place chosen for the reunification coincides with the one where you have your residence, domicile or domicile.
Travel fines – In case of infringement, a fine is applied that can range between 400 and 1,000 euros, and that can be increased by one third if the infringement occurs “for the use of a vehicle”.
Deal – Food stores, pharmacies and parapharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, bookstores, hairdressers, laundries remain open even on red days. Closed clothing stores, jewelry stores, beauty centers, shopping centers (except for permitted stores). Bars and restaurants are closed all day, but take out will be allowed; Home delivery scheduled from 5 to 22.
Messe – The faithful will be able to attend mass on both red and orange days as long as they have self-certification. On red days you will have to choose churches close to your residence, on orange days the faithful will be able to reach any sacred place located in the Municipality of residence, domicile or home. If you have a population that does not exceed 5,000 inhabitants, it is possible to go to churches located in other municipalities that are not provincial capitals and no more than 30 km away.
Parties and events – Parties in public and private places are always prohibited.
Sport – It is allowed to carry out both motor activity, individually and in the vicinity of the home, provided that the distance of at least one meter is respected and with the obligation to use protective equipment, and sports activities, but it is also only individually and exclusively outdoors.