“The Mayor of Lampedusa and the President of the Sicilian Region were summoned by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Rome on Wednesday. This is what the mayor of the island Totò Martello says, at the end of the meeting with some businessmen, local merchants and citizens, about the general strike threatened yesterday by the mayor. “The strike has been postponed,” he added, “pending the answers that Roma will arrive.” Martello continued: “There are some things that the Sicilian Region must do towards the people of Lampedusa and others that Rome must do. As soon as the measures are taken, Conte will also come to Lampedusa. That the government summons us, given the emergency in Lampedusa, is a concrete fact ”.
In La Stampa he attacked the executive today, fearing a strike that will not take place for the moment.
“The government has left us alone, us and the Minister of the Interior,” Totò Martello attacks in an interview with La Stampa.
“If the government is unable to enforce the agreements with Tunisia, I go to Tunis to discuss it and I go there with my ship.” “If there is an agreement with Tunisia, it must be respected. When has it ever been said that a government does not deal with an emergency? We need the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister must intervene. Minister Lamorgese is doing everything in his power but the governments do not seem to support him ”.
He then announced that he had asked the President of Tunisia, Saied, to meet “to ask him to implement the agreements with Italy.”
“In these two months we have exceeded the figures of 2011 when Berlusconi was in government and Maroni was in the Viminale. Even then they said there was no emergency, leaving thousands of migrants on the dock for days. ” “The island took to the streets and fired them, now we can do the same,” he says.
Of the minister Luciana Lamorgese Martello continues saying: “If they no longer want it – it adds – that they say it, assume its responsibilities”.
For his part, the head of the Interior Ministry pressures the prime minister on the revision of the security decrees but, according to the Republic writes, Giuseppe Conte takes time. The measures that should replace those desired by Salvini could be postponed until October.
Meanwhile, migrant transfers from Lampedusa begin. With the last landing on Saturday, a total of 1,560 people arrived on the island from the sea. As of today, more than three hundred people will have to leave the first landing site.