Italians still have to resign themselves to enduring many sacrifices, including that of travel restrictions. Admit that he is the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, which in an interview with Nation He invited everyone not to lower their guard against the danger of Covid-19, although the light of the vaccine is visible on the horizon, and recalled that those who violate the rules will be punished with the utmost severity.
A different regime of prohibitions and limitations between Regions could accompany us for a few more months “announced the head of the Interior Ministry, who explained how the government’s choice to uniformly raise the level of driving bans on holidays and before the holidays on the occasion of Christmas and New Year. Also from the experience of last summer when too many Italians on vacation underestimated the possibility of contracting Covid 19 ”.
The invitation, therefore, is to exercise extreme caution these days. Holidays, for obvious reasons, will be completely different from the usual ones. The latest decree introduced the possibility of visiting family and friends once a day. To do this, however, you will need self certification. The minister explained that such a document will be “Object of careful control by the police forces that have been operating with a capillary surveillance activity throughout the national territory since last March.” An enormous work that Lamorge has summed up in numbers: “So far there have been almost thirty million person checks, while commercial company checks are about eight and a half million”. There will be no police controls in private homes, as Prime Minister Conte recalled, but interventions after reporting cases are not excluded. Precisely, the minister explained that in such circumstances the police will carry out “Control as always with professionalism and balance, but those who adopt casual behaviors that put the health of others at risk will continue to be punished with the utmost severity ”.
Other hot fronts are that of transport and of school, before the return to face-to-face teaching. On these issues, the Prefects have been assigned a coordinating role. The latter were reminded by Lamorgese that they were asked to adopt “For Christmas, the operational documents that contemplate a remodeling of the urban and extra-urban transport offer and that take into account the differentiation of the entry and exit times planned for schools, the articulation of educational activities in six days, the reduction duration of the lessons 45/50 minutes “. The minister admitted that the biggest problems could arise in large metropolitan areas “like those of Milan, Rome and Naples”. For this reason, plans are also being studied to guard the main interchange nodes and the entrances of the metro lines to relieve pressure on means of transport and avoid crowds at peak times.
Another sensitive issue is related to vaccines. On December 27 also in Italy will take place the “Vaccine day”: the fear is that somehow organized crime may take advantage of the opportunity to conduct illicit business. But the possibility is flatly denied by the Interior Minister who guaranteed maximum security in the face of the long and difficult vaccination campaign. Lamorge highlighted how it is “a guarantee of safety for all” the fact that the storage and distribution of vaccines “it has been taken over by the Defense. In any case, the police forces will monitor the area even in the vicinity of the numerous health establishments involved ”. he added– there is no investigative evidence on criminal plans to steal vaccine stocks from the official supply chain, but police attention remains high. “
Until Epiphany, Italy will balance between the red and orange zones. There are still no certainties about what will happen after the holidays. Between Dpcm, decrees me ordinances several citizens are confused and misinformed. Lamorgese admitted that he was aware of these difficulties, but explained that “The proposal to close everything for several weeks would have represented a clear and unambiguous message, understandable to all. But Italy, after closing last spring, could not afford it.”. The road to return to normal still seems long. Very long.