Lamorgese and Christmas in the red zone: “Who loses severe penalties” – Chronicle


Minister Lamorgese, how do you imagine 2021? Will we continue until when with the red, orange and yellow areas? We are at the height of a pandemic, also with a new strain in circulation, so it is foreseeable that in many months it will not be possible, nor advisable, to lower our guard. A different regime of prohibitions and limitations between regions could accompany us for a few more months. The government’s decision to evenly raise the level of driving bans on holidays and pre-holidays on the occasion of Christmas and New Year’s Eve also stems from last summer’s experience when too many Italians were on vacation underestimated the possibility of contracting Covid 19 ”. Christmas red zone what can we do: rules and advice The last decree introduced the possibility of visiting family and friends once a day. A self-certification will be valid. Will they all be checked or will only random checks be done? “Let’s be clear. Many want to minimize the …

Minister Lamorgese, how do you imagine 2021? Will we continue until when with the red, orange and yellow areas?

We are in full swing of a pandemic, also with a new strain in circulation, so it is foreseeable that in many months it will not be possible, or advisable, to lower our guard. A different regime of prohibitions and limitations between regions could accompany us for a few more months. The government’s decision to evenly raise the level of driving bans on holidays and pre-holidays on the occasion of Christmas and New Year’s Eve also stems from last summer’s experience when too many Italians were on vacation underestimated the possibility of contracting Covid 19 ”.

Christmas red zone what we can do: rules and tips

The latest decree introduced the possibility of visiting family and friends once a day. A self-certification will be valid. Will they all be checked or will only random checks be done?

“Let us speak clearly. Many want to minimize the scope of the serious risks associated with the spread of the virus, but the still high data of transmission of Covid 19, even in the family, should induce us to spread as much as possible a call for self-control and sense of responsibility. I understand that everyone wants to meet in serenity on Christmas Eve and Christmas but this year we must make a sacrifice so that we do not have to pay too high a price in the coming months “.

But self-certifications?

“The self-certifications (here the downloadable pdf) will be subjected to careful control by the police forces that operate with a capillary surveillance activity throughout the national territory since last March. In this sense, I would like to remind you of a fact: so far almost thirty million controls of people have been carried out while the commercial business controls are around eight and a half million ”.

The prime minister said there will be no checks on private homes. But parties, for example, are prohibited. What happens if a neighbor calls the police?

“To protect the elderly and the weak, we must fully understand that only a widespread sense of responsibility can prevent the explosion of infections after the holidays. Police forces will carry out checks as always with professionalism and balance, but will still be sanctioned with the greatest severity are those who adopt casual behavior that puts the health of others at risk ”.

Christmas trips: that’s when I can leave the municipality

Regarding transport and schools, a coordinating role has been assigned to the prefects. How is the comparison with local authorities and local transport companies?

The prefects, also called to coordinate the tables on the reopening of schools, were asked to approve before Christmas the operational documents that contemplate a remodeling of the urban and extra-urban transport offer and that take into account the different entry times and departure. planned for schools, the articulation of didactic activities in six days, the reduction of the duration of the lessons to 4550 minutes. A few hours ago, in the last videoconference meeting that I held at the Viminale, the prefects of the regional capital acknowledging the efforts made in all the provinces to coordinate the two sectors, school and transportation, before the return of face-to-face teaching. The biggest problems could arise in large metropolitan areas, such as Milan and Naples, which is why they are also studying plans to protect the main interchange nodes and subway line entrances to direct users. and towards surface vehicles and avoid crowds at peak times “.

On December 27, the largest vaccination campaign ever seen in Italy will begin. Are you afraid that organized crime will try to infiltrate?

“The vaccination campaign is fundamental and is a guarantee of security for all that the storage and distribution of the vaccines has been assumed by the Defense. In any case, the police forces will monitor the area even in the vicinity of the numerous health establishments involved. At the moment there is no investigative evidence on criminal schemes aimed at stealing vaccine stocks from the official supply chain, but the attention of law enforcement remains high. “

Between the Dpcm, the decrees and the ordinances, Italian citizens are confused and misinformed. Wouldn’t it have been better to simplify the rules and communicate more?

“It is absolutely understandable that some citizens find it difficult to decipher in detail all the limitations and prohibitions introduced by the different government measures. Unfortunately, the rules cannot always be simple when combining the protection of citizen health with the No it is necessary to block economic activities. Of course, the proposal to close everything for several weeks would have represented a clear and unambiguous message, understandable to all. But Italy, after the closure of last spring, could not afford it “.

Palù: “The vaccine will protect us for at least six months”
