
Cristina Borsetto and her husband on the beach of Campomarino © Termolionline
CAMPOMARINO. Her name is Cristina Borsetto, she is from Veneto, precisely from Padua. She chose the beach at Campomarino Lido to spend part of the August vacation, with her husband and two children.
The umpteenth opportunity to prove that Molise exists and resists, in short, there is not only Selvaggia Lucarelli, but many people who are attracted to discover a virgin territory and perhaps even uncontaminated in their eyes. But is it really so?
The places deserve it, the civilization of the people deserves it. What was discovered by Cristina, who yesterday spent a day admiring natural waterfalls and other prestigious settings in Molise, is contained in this dichotomous judgment.
She contacted us in the middle of the week to inform Termolionline what she thinks is wrong, wonderful places, but that she opposes the negligence with which residents and probably also tourists contaminate and deface prestigious areas.
“We care about our beaches – he tells us – even if they are from Veneto, I consider them a bit mine, like all of us. I frequented the stretch of free beach between the Nettuno establishment and the so-called baietta, which here they call “the pools”. Unfortunately, I have been collecting broken bottles buried in the sand for days, following the nightly bonfires that are systematically organized and lit. All this is unheard of and dangerous, it damages a beautiful beach. A similar situation is not admissible, it is repeated during the summer, it seems.
In short, the umpteenth lesson offered to us by those who discover Molise in her still wild beauty, but whip us for the poor seal that we know how to do with her, not to mention enhancement, a motto still unknown to most.
Why did you choose Campomarino? Its the first time?
«We chose Campomarino because we read a positive review in Sette, the Corriere della Sera weekly. He spoke of a beautiful sea, little known. Nice beach. In fact he was right, the sea is so beautiful and more than certain places in Puglia, the stretch of beach is delicious ».
Well, how many of you are, how long will you treat each other and what kind of hospitality have you chosen?
I stopped here on this stretch because there is a bay that looks like a mega pool suitable for my children, it is me, my husband and two children of 6 and 7 years old. We have been here since last Saturday and we stay until tomorrow Sunday. We alternate tours of the beach and inland, both in the province of Campobasso and in Isernia, to discover villages and hamlets.
Yesterday we were in Bagnoli del Trigno, Isernia, the Carpinone waterfalls, the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Castelpetroso and the Tibetan bridge of Roccamandolfi.
We spent a week in Abruzzo, before coming to Molise, in Villa Rosa. In Campomarino we have chosen an apartment in the village ».
Graduated with the highest grade, therefore, to our region, but the praise fails due to lack of respect for nature.
“I cannot be indifferent when I see certain things, especially pieces of a bottle that I found buried in the sand. I had to dig with a stick to retrieve the largest piece. I emailed the local police, but then I thought it would be more effective with you. Speaking with someone from the place, however, all report little care of the beach and in particular the pine forest. In fact, I am sorry to say this, but I realize that many local young people do not understand how lucky they are. Do you think that even at the beginning of the pine forest they make bonfires? Don’t you risk a fire? In the northern beaches they do not allow access to the beach in the afternoon, here they are lucky to be able to do it, and it is nice that it is, but not at this price.
Walking along this stretch of beach you will find bottles of wine, beer, spirits, lighters every day and with just a glance you will notice traces of bonfires. Molise is beautiful, she has a lot of potential but they cannot or do not want to exploit it. Wonderful places, the food is good but places like Campomarino Lido, for example, are not very well maintained, due to the waste present, for example. Before entering the town of Campomarino I went through the industrial park, waste along the road, ugly to see. There are many sheep tracks, they should be improved with some project. Ideas and funding needed, in any case I will definitely be back. Anyway, keep fighting for Molise. I will take my positive experience with me.