
Riccardo mazzoni
Given the imminence of the regional, Zingaretti feels his secretary chair shake and has decided to defend himself by attacking. For this reason, yesterday she wrote in her own hand in Repubblica an extensive article to vindicate the reasons for the strategic alliance with the Five Stars, which would constitute the last barrier to avoid humiliating politics by resorting to a new “government of all”. A weak and convoluted reasoning and a clear accusation against those who, especially within her Pd party, instead oppose the belief that in a year of red-yellow rule the biggest dividend was collected by the grillini at the expense of the allies. In short, the opposite of what had happened at the time of the M5S-Lega alliance, when Salvini in a few months managed to cut the Movement’s votes in half and double those of the League.
But in the excitement of what appears to be the last offensive before the confrontation, Zingaretti blurted out an admission as significant as it was demanding, warning his internal and external opponents (Renzi in the first place, but also Di Maio) from the hypocrisy of those who argue that “by losing the regional teams, everything could continue as before, without affecting the life of the government and the duration of the legislature.” A warning to the full-fledged sailors, therefore, who must not have been happy with the parts of the Palazzo Chigi, with Conte taking refuge in surreal silence to prudently stay out of the electoral party in hopes of not ending up in the same way as D ‘Alema in 2000, when the left lost to Lazio and he steadily resigned as prime minister.

It so happened that yesterday Il Sole 24 Ore published a poll by Professor D’Alimonte revealing how Tuscany has become moot, as the gap between center-left candidate Giani and Northern League player Ceccardi has now narrowed to half a point (43% versus 42.5), which statistically means an even race.
Already the 4-2 for the center-right predicted by the polls, with the loss of Marche and Puglia, would give a considerable shake to the balance of the majority, but if Tuscany also fell, the earthquake would be such that it would really blow everything up, despite The fragility of the ruling coalition is inversely proportional to the attachment to the seats. And even the obvious victory of the yes in the referendum on the cut of the parliamentarians will lead only Di Maio to the balcony of victory. For Zingaretti, therefore, a complicated lost-lost-referendum electoral match looms.
Unfortunately, there is a contingency that goes far beyond Zingaretti’s seizures, Renzi’s stunts and Di Maio’s double-breasted neo-populism: compared to the previous midterm elections, Italy is on the brink, with the GDP in historic plummet, two million unemployed at the gates and the risk of a rating drop to trash level, evoked yesterday in Parliament by the EIB vice president. The government of the Covid mysteries, perpetual well-being, boaters and uncontrolled immigration would have a duty to resign even before the verdict of the regional, but the signal that will come from the regional will likely be decisive. Even Zingaretti recognized it, though perhaps it was just a voice from the escaped sen.