ROME You want to be judged by the story, not the news. And he wants Italians to acknowledge that he has never looked at the consensus curves, but only those of the pandemic. Giuseppe Conte in all areas, from relief from the first stop of the virus to the promise that the government will not stop Recovery plan, “Proud to be an Italian citizen” and proud of your position at Palazzo Chigi. If you remember the early days of the pandemic, is there anything you won’t do again? “I don’t think it’s infallible. We have adopted a method, our decisions have never been hasty or wandering, never taken by polls, but weighted on a scientific basis.
The Prime Minister closes the work of the annual assembly de la Anci (the association of Italian municipalities) relaunching the call to the responsibility of the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella. Squeezed between the criticisms of the opposition and the more painful ones of the majority parties, Conte recalls that “loyal collaboration” between the different levels of the State “is essential to get out of the coronavirus emergency, also in the face of the relaunch from the country”. . The first step is Christmas, with regions and production categories pushing to reopen. The premier is relieved because “the first positive signs of the measures adopted are detected”, but he wants to be cautious: “Not even scientists dare to say what the curve will be, to get an image we have to get closer”. We do not have the crystal ball, we are preparing for various scenarios.
The prime minister makes no promises about weakening, But if on the one hand he describes “a more sober Christmas”, on the other he hopes that during the holidays “the economy can develop, that it is possible to buy and even exchange gifts.” And here it undertakes to suspend the tax on the occupation of public land (Tosap) also in 2021, as invoked by those responsible for bars and restaurants. But no one is under any illusions, because this Christmas will not be like the past: “Kisses, hugs, parties and festoons are unthinkable, regardless of the curve.” A strong and insistent call to “common sense”, so that what happened in the summer with the nightlife and discos does not happen, lightness that has had dramatic consequences. “A week of unbridled sociability would mean paying for a sharp rise in the curve in January, in terms of deaths and stress in intensive care – warns Conte -. We can’t afford it. ”
The presidents of the regions ask the government to simplify the indicators of the risk bands and the prime minister shakes them: “It is not politics that decides, but science. We’ll see if we can improve the monitoring system, but going from 21 to 5 indicators, or saying I want 10, I want 8, doesn’t make much sense. We will try to make the parameters even clearer and more transparent, without making it confusing. Conte assures Antonio Decaro, president of Anci that “The municipalities will be protagonists of the Recovery planAnd Decaro reveals that he apologized to the prime minister for the mid-October attack on the prefect controls: “I used inappropriate tones.”
There is still time to deny that the government is late about him Recovery: “This is false news, Italy is working hard,” the lawyer assures us. We must hope that the slowdowns do not come from that breath of sovereignty that is still breathed more marginally in Europe ”. And if Poland and Hungary insist on threatening the veto, Conte is ready to fight to get those precious 209 billion destined for Italy: «It is a radical position, which paradoxically would harm the interests of those same countries. We must avoid it. The president’s day ends in the evening, with the European summit by videoconference and then the meeting with the heads of delegation on refreshments and budget variation.
November 20, 2020 (change November 20, 2020 | 07:43)