Killed with a stab in the throat: the horror on the street for stealing a watch


A man Stefano Ansaldi, 65, was found dead on the street, in Milan, with a deep cut in his throat. The lifeless body lay on the asphalt via Macchi, on the corner of via Scarlatti, near the central station. Based on early rumors, it would appear to be an attempt Stole it ended up in the blood. Along with the victim’s body, the military allegedly found a kitchen knife and a watch (perhaps the abandoned stolen goods).

What happened

The exact dynamics of the event are not yet known. According to reports from the agencies, the events date back to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 29. The victim, a 65-year-old doctor from Benevento, was assaulted on the street near Milan’s Central Station, apparently during a robbery. Some passersby would have raised the alarm and noticed the dying man on the asphalt. But despite the timely arrival of help, any attempt to resuscitate him was almost in vain: he would have died before being transferred to hospital. On the body, at the level of the throat, he presented a deep stab wound, the same one that was allegedly fatal. Next to the corpse, the carabinieri would have found a knife from the bloody kitchen. The investigation of the case is in charge of military personnel.

The suspicious coincidence

According to Corriere della Seraa short distance away, in the same minutes, a seventy-year-old resident in via Settembrini had just been attacked. Two are supposed burglars He stole the Rolex from his wrist and mobile phone and then escaped entering the nearby Caiazzo metro station and taking a train on the green line or arriving at another station, Lima, this on the red line, in a long and crazy journey . Corso Buenos Aires packed with Christmas shopping. The two episodes could be closely related.

And witness

Some witnesses report seeing two people, apparently two North Africans, fleeing through Scarlatti just before the alarm was sounded. Investigators have already collected the stories of passersby in an attempt to reconstruct the escape route of the two. suspicious thieves At the moment, however, they have not yet been located. The soldiers of the Arma, from 6.30 pm this afternoon, are immersed in a very intense persecution. Forensics conducted crime scene findings useful for investigations. Meanwhile, the city’s surveillance camera tapes have already been recovered and will be examined by authorities in the next few hours.
