“Keep up the shit, but in life it can’t always be like this” – Libero Quotidiano


The Regionals of September 21 and the referendum to cut off parliamentarians: Giallorossi’s government has to face two major obstacles. “Giuseppe Conte he is like gastone continued with the c ** o. But in life, as they say, there is Red light and the green light“, the beginning Renato Brunetta in unequivocal terms in the conversation with Augusto Minzolini, as reported in the antecedents of The newspaper. The Forza Italia deputy, in addition to being a staunch supporter of “no” to grillina scissors to the Chambers, has no doubts: “So far Conte has done well, he has taken advantage of the moment to only cross green traffic lights, but if he will run into a red traffic light they no longer fit in one“The premier must have had a signal a few days ago, when the Covid decree was saved by the broken earpiece with several M5 exponents who have turned their backs on the executive to which they belong.

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In short, for Conte and his teammates the ambush is just around the corner. A similar consideration also comes from the Democratic Party, where the background of the Newspaper he intercepted Fausto Raciti: “Conte-Gastone’s fate is now well known, the problem is that we have Zingaretti-Donald. Only unlike Donald, Nicola has no bad luck, she only goes to look for the edges to hit her head. to the diatribe in favor of Yes on the referendum. Reason why there will be a sonic defeat on September 21 He will not invest in Conte-Gastone, who, as also in the case of the Disney character, has already slipped away, but in Zingaretti-Donald Duck. “And defeat is already taken for granted by pollsters. This is the reason why the Prime Minister would keep looking around. According to a background of Pietro Senaldiin fact, the prime minister would have already thought of a party of his own. This is also a way to protect your shoulders.
