The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza launched the Dpcm on October 18, 2020 shortly before midnight with the new tightening measures that take effect from Monday, October 19 and are in effect until 13 October. November. The text of the new Dpcm was published in the Official Gazette after the prime minister’s press conference.
New Dpcm October 18: the measurements of the winery explained
The main novelties of the Dpcm of October 18 are substantially three: the first is that the streets and squares can be closed at 9:00 p.m. to avoid crowds; the second is the school’s flexible schedule (which remains open); the third are the places closed at midnight and from 6 pm without table service. The newspapers today explain that the text is the result of a long mediation between the different souls of the majority. The Democratic Party and Leu, with the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini and Roberto Speranza, embodied the hard line that wanted more restrictions; the 5 Star Movement with the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede and the Head of Education Lucía Azzolina went for prudence; Italia Viva, for its part, said no to the restrictive measures until the end. the Corriere della Sera explains today that Conte simply did not want to make this decree.
His line was to wait for the mandatory outdoor masks and other restrictions to round the curve at least a little. But the pressure of the scientists and the hard wing of the majority, who demanded drastic measures “so as not to have to close everything in two weeks”, convinced him to accelerate.
However, the distance between two opposing schools of thought forced him into exhausting mediation. With the governors and their ministers, each with the intention of pulling the military service on their side, some for the defense of the economy and others for the supremacy of health.
And among the ministers there are those who say today that tougher measures will soon be necessary while the Civil Protection bulletin yesterday reported 11,075 new cases and 69 deaths. In detail, “Dpcm” is the acronym that indicates the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers: an administrative act issued by the head of government in the exercise of his function. Adopted 11 times for the pandemic, the dpcm is not subject to any verification. Next, the prefects are in charge of monitoring compliance with the measures adopted, which are:
- Mixed teaching for high schools and universities, with “flexible ways in the organization of teaching activities, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, which continues to be complementary to face-to-face teaching”;
- The call for the remodeling of public transport: the new decree recommends that the provision of public service, the programming of which is the responsibility of the President of the Region, be “modulated in such a way as to avoid overcrowding of means of transport during daylight hours. “. where there is a greater presence of users “;
- Smart work (although the obligation to work from home is skipped for 75% of the public administration): it is recommended that “professional activities are also implemented through agile work methods, where they can be done at home or at a distance; vacations and paid vacations of employees are encouraged, as well as other instruments provided for in collective bargaining “;
- In team and contact sports, training is individual and races and competitions are “not allowed.”
How Dpcm October 18 was changed overnight (due to protests from mayors)
Dpcm October 18: the curfew entrusted to the mayors (disappears)
The most important measure of the Dpcm is the power entrusted to the mayors to close streets and squares from 9 pm and intervenes in the hours of the bars to enforce the ban on meetings. The curiosity is that the mayors, expressly designated in the draft of the Dpcm, disappear in the final version. In detail, the standards are:
- “The activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries) are allowed from 5 to 24 with consumption at the table, and with a maximum of six people per table, and up to 18 in the absence of consumption. table”;
- “Activities in arcades, gambling rooms and bingo halls are allowed from 8 am to 9 pm.” “Community parties and fairs are forbidden”;
- “The closure to the public, after 9:00 pm, of streets or squares in urban centers, where congestion situations may arise, without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to commercial establishments and private homes that are legitimately open”;
- Fines of 400 to 1,000 euros are confirmed for those who do not respect the prohibitions;
- The gyms and swimming pools remain open, but – as Conte pointed out – these days compliance with the security protocols will be verified and in a week the squeeze could really come.
The reason for the delay in the roadmap of the new decree of the presidency of the council of ministers is precisely the point of gyms and swimming pools, which has been the subject of a long tug of war within the government and with Coni. The question also divided the Scientific Technical Committee, which had recommended the closure in recent days, but in the end had to be satisfied with Conte’s penultimatum. In addition, the powers granted to mayors have enraged the representatives of local authorities and this is perhaps the reason for the subsequent partial reversal:
“Critical situation”, admitted the premier. However, the gaming and betting rooms remain open, there is no specific rule to lighten public transport, and smart work has been skipped by 75%. And the curfew? In the government they invite you to call it by other names and the mayors send the shiny potato to the address of Palazzo Chigi.
“The government – thunders Antonio Decaro on behalf of the first citizens – inserts in a dpcm a norm that seems to have the sole objective of placing the responsibility of the curfew on the shoulders of the mayors.”
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And so at the end in the Dpcm signed and published on the Palazzo Chigi website that reference to the first citizen leaps: “From the streets or squares in urban centers, where encounter situations can be created – read the approved text – the closure of the public, after 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of access, and exit, to legitimate businesses and private homes. ” With this decision, the government discharged the responsibilities of the elections on the first citizens after having made than with the Regions inventing territorial blockades at the discretion of the presidents. Then he changed his mind in the night. The epidemic advances, but in Italy the situation is confirmed as desperate, but not serious.