The agreement that took Morata to the Juvenuts could open a kind of partnership with Atlético de Madrid. The Colchoneros, in fact, would like a great bianconeri.

The Juventus bought Alvaro Morata dall ‘Atletico Madrid for a total of 55 million euros. Specifically, the operation was formalized with a one-year loan (renewable for another year) of 10 million euros, plus a reimbursement right set at 40 million. HE Mattresses they would like to take advantage of the now good relationship that has been established with Juve to buy Paulo Dybala.
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Juventus transfer market, Atlético de Madrid thinks about Dybala
L ‘Atletico Madrid I would like to buy paulo Dybala, negotiation carried out with the formula of the loan with the right to redemption. Specifically, we would talk about 30 million euros for the loan, with an amortization set at 40. Basically a right that would become a real obligation with these figures. But Juve would have proposed another solution, an exchange with a champion of Mattresses.

The Juventus club would open for the sale ofThe jewel‘, but the intention would be to exchange it for Saul niguez, much appreciated by Andrea Pirlo, looking for a midfielder capable of raising the level of his team together with Arthur me McKennie.
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