
The ghost game at the stadium. Juve-Napoli declared not played. Spadafora: “Make the interest in health prevail”
However, Mastrandrea had already received on Saturday from Naples the letter from the ASL that according to the blue club prevented the team from leaving for Turin. The federal prosecutor could possibly also acquire the second, produced yesterday (there are also others, not made public by Naples or by the FIGC) and which apparently could question the jurisdiction of the first ASL that had ruled on the matter. Meanwhile, Napoli has removed the training reports for the week from its website. But forgetting to remove them from social networks too.

Naples case, Grassani’s lawyer: “The club had no other option”
In any case, a political reading of the situation would be really useful for a possible research complement. The one who this afternoon from 5 pm will try to ask Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora for football. At 5 pm the minister will meet with the president of the Serie A League, Paolo Dal Pino. An hour later, the number 1 of the FIGC, Gabriele Gravina. The key is: in which cases can ASL approve a protocol endorsed by the Scientific Technical Committee? The conviction of the Italian football leaders is that the cases are limited to particular territorial contingencies, in which the ASL is competent: an unexpected cluster, an overcrowding of intensive care units, compliance with a regional or territorial blockade. Otherwise, for standard cases, such as Napoli is believed to be, the ministry has already provided the protocol. Otherwise the risk is that the championship is not only in the hands of the ASL, but that it is practically concluded, with the impossibility of playing any game in the first positive.

Juventus-Napoli, Andrea Agnelli: “De Laurentiis wanted postponement, I replied that we comply with the regulations”