Juventus, for the number 9 shirt is a challenge of two people: Dzeko on hold, Suárez tries to overtake


Last year the number 9 shirt, that of the forward prince of the team, remained empty despite the return to base of Gonzalo Higuaín. A sign, already at that moment, of what was and still is the will at Juventus: find a master capable of juggling, in technical skills and personality, among the voluminous figures present in the offensive department of Turin.

DZEKO ON HOLD – Edin Dzeko is one of Andrea’s favorites around PirloIt is not a coincidence that in the list made by the new engineer the name of the 1986 class was circled and underlined in red. Among the shortcomings of Juve last season was, without a doubt, the absence of a man from the penalty area good at integrate with Cristiano Ronaldo. The Bosnian from Rome represents the perfect profile with the dialogues between the two clubs and with the player rented for several days. the problem in this case it is replace by Dzeko in the capital: Napoli blocks Milik and without another forward the Giallorossi do not release their captain who, at the same time, should force his hand exposing himself in the first person to say goodbye.

SUAREZ MORE THAN AN OPPORTUNITY – The transfer market is known, even more so in this period strongly conditioned, even at an economic level, by the effects of Covid-19, it thrives in occasions. me Luis Suarez, amid the chaos in Barcelona, ​​is the most striking expression: an outgoing international player with the possibility of free yourself at no cost. Juventus smelled the deal and took the first steps towards the Uruguayan: contacts, phone calls and mutual winks. Increasingly intense and profitable. Suarez appreciated, also attracted by the possibility of joining, after Messi, also Cristiano Ronaldo. The next step is launching, with severance pay, that the Gunman deals with the Catalan club: necessary step to concretize the speeches It started with Madama.
