Italian football ended in chaos after the cancellation of the big match of the third day, Juventus-Napoli, scheduled for Sunday night. The blue club did not show up despite the green light of the Serie A League to the party, and by regulation must be sanctioned with the 3-0 on the table, and also with a penalty point. One is on the horizon Legal battle: the Campania club, blocked by the ASL, repeatedly asked for the match to be postponed and you will assert your reasons in the appeal you are already preparing.
On Sunday evening, Juve president Andrea Agnelli spoke at the Allianz Stadium: “We have very clear protocols. It was foreseeable that there would be cases of positivity within the team group: the FIGC protocol is applied, you know what to do. We must enter into fiduciary isolation, in structures agreed with the ASL where the team isolates itself: so that we can train and play. There is a lot of clarity from this point of view, it was a work carried out with the Ministry of Health and the CTS. That’s exactly what we did yesterday“.
“De Laurentiis wrote me a message and I replied that Juve, as always, abides by the regulations. I wanted to postpone the game, but there are regulations, as in everything. Otherwise, we make mistakes as athletes and citizens ”.
Then the excavation: “I never suspect. It is clear that a team that does not appear does not give a good image of our football. We are used to being self-referential and we are only interested in internal judgments, without worrying about the figures we make abroad. To then fill our mouths with wanting to increase our international credibility. I am in favor of the idea of Dal Pino, identifying the right partner for the development of our football is welcome. I would have behaved as I have been up to now, now we have to think about completing the championship respecting the instructions given to us ”.
Napoli’s response was not late and came through the lawyer Grassani: Napoli did not start because simply unlike other cases and other clubs, when training ended on Saturday afternoon, they received in quick succession a communication from the Prevention Department of the ASL 1 of Naples and the ASL 2 of Naples and at 18.25 when Naples went by bus from Castelvolturno ready to head to the airport, a ruling has also arrived from the Campania region chief of staff prohibiting departure. Napoli faced a crossroads: either to transgress two provisions of the local authority and a provision of the governor of the Campania region, or to stay at home to respect the laws of the State. To play the game, Napoli would have had to violate a state law and risk a criminal complaint“.
“3-0 is verified on the table, because it is not enough not to go to a race for victory at the table. If there are verified objective issues, and in this case state law prevails over sports regulations, we believe we can proceed to postpone the match at a later time. If the 3-0 comes to the table, Napoli will not accept in any way this provision which would consider offensive in the fully honest behavior of its members and will appeal both to the sports court of appeal and to the Coni to establish the truth that a football match cannot come before the health of hundreds of people ”, reads the Sunday. Sports.
OMNISPORT | 05-10-2020 08:57