Juve, there is no concern about Suárez’s community passport: he can get it in 15 days. News is also expected on the Rome-Naples axis


Gianluca Di Marzio, a Sky journalist, took stock of the negotiation that could lead Luis Suárez to Juventus: Juventus continues to work for Luis Suárez, despite the obstacle to overcome: the dismissal with Barcelona – explains the market expert -. The Uruguayan club and the Blaugrana are working to find a solution that satisfies all the parties involved.

During the day another possible problem arose in the Juve-Suárez negotiation, namely the lack of a community passport by the gunman. In fact, the Juventus club has run out of places for non-EU citizens, but the forward has already started the process for the passport.

If the player terminates the contract with Barcelona and reaches an agreement with Juve, with a work contract in Italy it would be easier for him to obtain a passport, which could arrive in 15 days. Therefore, from Turin they let it be known that the passport problem is not a decisive obstacle to negotiation.

In any case, the knot to solve is the one related to the compensation demanded by the forward against Barcelona, ​​which would allow him to free himself. Meanwhile, Juve is also waiting for news on the Rome-Naples axis for Milik, for the moment everything is quiet. With the Pole in Giallorossi, Dzeko would be free to marry elsewhere. Juve’s attacking market therefore moves on the Rome-Barcelona axis.
