ROME – “The Dpcm currently in force establishes that as of September 1, sports clubs can present a program and a security project for the event, send it to the Region and the Region will send it to the CTS for its final validation. This is what it happened in Piedmont with there Juventus, and yesterday as Region we sent it to Rome “. From the microphones of Radio Sportiva, the president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Candle talks about the possibility of admitting a partial number of spectators to follow live the championship match between Juventus me Sampdoria. “In the case of Juve-Samp we are talking about eight thousand spectators – needs Cirio -, even if the number depends on the operating methods that the company can implement and how it manages to regulate inputs. By the end of next week, we may have a response from the CTS for feedback. Juve raised a project with great seriousness, which we as a Region have evaluated very carefully, exactly as we did for the Torino and for other companies “. But how will the eight thousand viewers finally be chosen? “It is a question that should be asked Agnelli – answers the governor -, my experience is only in numbers. If the go-ahead from the CTS comes, on-site tests are planned because the Dpcm is still unclear also in regards to re-authorization. Every 15 days there is an event for which it will be necessary to reactivate all the detailed procedures “.