Juve-Napoli is a ‘sub judice’ match


Sports judge Gerardo Mastrandrea declared the party ‘sub iudice’ Not disputed on Sunday, October 4 and valid for the 3rd round of Serie A. In short, there was no decision, all foreseeable because on Monday the judge had already made it known that there would be an additional investigation.

Juventus-Napoli still under judge

Sports judge Gerardo Mastrandrea postponed the Juventus-Napoli decision and declared the match “sub iudice”, pending further investigation. The game that was scheduled for Sunday, October 4, was not played because the Neapolitan team did not appear at the Stadium and remained in Campania, after Asl Napoli 1 Nord had forced the Neapolitan club not to leave for Turin in a row in positivity from midfielders Zielinski and Elmas.

Thing means the judge

Sub iudice is a Latin phrase that is used in jurisprudence and means’under the judgment of the judge‘and indicates that a dispute is still open or is suspended indefinitely. In short, it is an expression that is used in reference to problems that have not yet been resolved and are under discussion, exactly the same as for the match between Juventus and Napoli.

One round of disqualification for Ciro Immobile

Among the decisions made by Mastrandrea is also the one related to Ciro Immobile who was disqualified for one day, with a fine of 10,000 euros, for seriously unsportsmanlike conduct, for having hit an opponent from the ground with a slap, on 25 ′ De the second half of Lazio-Inter. A stoppage round No provision was made for Spezia defender Riccardo Marchizza, who came into contact with Belgian player Alexis Saelemaekers from Milan. Television images do not reveal violent behavior.
