ROME – Even the minister Vincenzo Spadafora he came to the aid of the Serie A championship, badly affected by the virus. In fact, Genoa’s 14 positives, 10 players and 4 staff members, can be considered a true hotbed in the heart of football, which also involves Juventus-Naples Sunday and is inevitably provoking reflections. As calm as possible, and those of the sports minister in Sky are: “A tile (strictly speaking it would be lightning but not subtle, ed) unexpectedly. The FIGC protocol is very serious and complex. So now, having taken all the precautionary measures of Genoa, awaiting the results of Napoli, I believe that the championship can still develop as expected. I will hear from Federal President Gravina, next week I will meet with the President of the League, Dal Pino, and we will take stock of the situation. Now let’s see what happens. Unfortunately, the start of the championship also becomes an experiment.“Which brings with it all the proper precautions.
Turin-Genoa postponement, extraordinary advice of the Serie A League tomorrow
What happens
Today in an extraordinary meeting of the Council of the Lega a decision is made on Genoa-Turin, scheduled for Saturday at 6 pm The orientation is to go ahead with the established schedule, in addition to not setting a precedent. We will see. The President of Genoa, Enrico Beautiful, would like the postponement, as is evident supported by its director Daniele Faggiano, who tells Telenord: “I hope in a good sense of the League.” And urban Cairo, from Turin, which on the contrary pushes for the game. Admittedly, the fear of football governing bodies is that if you accept the baseline beyond a certain number of positives, someone will think to be smart and ask for game cancellation when appropriate. Also for this reason, no rules have been established on a maximum number of positivity and it was decided to consider those who do not pass the tampon as a simple injured person. With the endorsement ofUefa, which considers any match valid if each of the two teams places at least 13 men between the field and the bench. […]
Read the full article on today’s edition of Corriere dello Sport – Stadio

Genoa, Preziosi rejects the accusations: “Respect all the rules”